Get registered, get educated and use your vote. NMBC’s Scorecard is below.

Voting day and the General Election is right around the corner! NMBC is dedicated to making sure you are prepared to cast your vote, either in person or by absentee ballot, with confidence and the best information available on the issues that matter most. We're also here to help assist you in getting registered and finding a polling location. click here to get started!

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2020 NM Senate Contested Races

New Mexico Business Coalition believes that voters deserve to know where candidates asking for their vote stand on important issues. To that end NMBC is providing incumbent's voting records and…

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NM 2020 Primary election survey responses and incumbent grades

New Mexico Business Coalition has been reaching out to all House and Senate candidates participating in a primary race this year to learn more about their positions on the issues…

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Election day for Albuquerque Runoff

Today is Election day for Albuquerque runoff elections in Districts 2 and 4: Because none of the city council candidates for district 2 and 4 met the threshold of winning…

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