Public meetings on methane rules continue this week

State oil and gas regulators began public hearings yesterday on new rules for NM energy producers. The hearings will focus on the newly proposed rules for reducing methane gas emissions…

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Read more about the article Farmington methane meeting will be moved to online format
Photo by Magda Ehlers from Pexels

Farmington methane meeting will be moved to online format

Due to recent concerns about coronavirus spread, and the New Mexico Department of Health decision to prohibit large gatherings, the NM Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department and Environment Department…

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Methane emissions FALL amidst increased oil and gas production

The New Mexican oil and gas industry continues to do great work for our state. In spite of increased levels of natural gas consumption nationwide, the U.S. greenhouse gas emissions have fallen to their lowest levels since 1992. New Mexico's oil and gas industry is making incredible progress in reducing methane emissions as production surges in our own portion of the Permian Basin - the world's top producing oilfield and some of the highest natural gas production in the country. 

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