Sierra Club’s War on Jobs: Holding Workshops to “Write and Rehearse Testimony”

For Immediate Release

Sierra Club’s War on Jobs: Holding Workshops to “Write and Rehearse Testimony”

New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) is calling on the New Mexico Chapter of the Sierra Club to stop the relentless, uncompromising War on Jobs they are waging by pushing for an end to all fossil fuel extraction.

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NMBC & CEMCO Crusher Goes National

NMBC accomplishments on behalf of New Mexico businesses highlighted by the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM).

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NMBC Opposes Job Killing EPA Ozone Rules – Educational Call to Action Ad to run on TV:

NMBC is pleased to be working with NAM in opposition of the move by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that would tighten federal ozone standards. To help educate New Mexicans on the negative impact the proposed EPA ozone regulations would have on our state, the following ad is out on local television stations and via social media:

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SOS, UI Taxes & NM Land Grab

Serious Allegations of Criminal Misconduct filed against Dianna Duran, NM Secretary of State (SOS): News reports based on criminal charges filed by the office of NM Attorney General Hector Balderas, detail numerous charges against the NM SOS Dianna Duran.

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Read more about the article Truth Should Lead the Conversation

Truth Should Lead the Conversation

The Truth Should Lead the Conversation:  The NMBC Energy Summit on July 1 was successful in bringing out facts about the extreme environmental agenda in opposition to the extraction and use of New Mexico’s natural resources.  An attendee of the event wrote to the Albuquerque Journal last week to give his take on this article

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How Important is San Juan Generating Station to New Mexico?

How important is affordable electricity, 811 jobs and annual royalties and taxes of over $40 million to New Mexico? Not a concern at all for radical environmental groups that would like to see the San Juan Generating Station (SJGS) completely shut down and for the power to be replaced with solar energy. Their plan is estimated to cost $1.5 billion.

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Lead the Conversation

The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) salutes the men and women who died fighting for the freedom and liberty that make the United States of America the greatest nation in the world. This week, we honor our veterans and those who serve today in our armed forces defending our values and the U.S. Constitution.

Lead the Conversation or be Controlled by the Outcome: Looking for a fresh take on the facts, technology and trends for New Mexico Energy? The New Mexico Business Coalition Energy Summit on July 1, at 11:30 am, at the Sheraton Albuquerque Uptown will set the record straight and give attendees the knowledge to lead the conversation.

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Call to Action – Save Jobs and Economical Electric Rates

Call to Action – Contact N.M. Public Regulation Commissioners (PRC) and urge support of the settlement agreement on the San Juan Generating Station (SJGS): The PRC will soon make a decision on the settlement agreement for SJGS. This is an historic agreement involving the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the N.M. Environmental Department (EPA) and PNM.

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Breaking News: No Air Pollution Crisis in NM

What? No Air Pollution Crises in NM? Radical environmental groups have been shouting, protesting and spending thousands of dollars on advertising to say there is a toxic air pollution crisis in New Mexico. They say the crises requires a complete shutdown of the San Juan Generating Station (SJGS) because it is the largest polluter in the entire state. The fact that SJGS is the most economical source of electric power generation in New Mexico does not seem to matter. And now, the radical environmentalists have an even bigger problem. That is, the facts just don’t line up with their ‘sky is falling’ agenda. It seems the American Lung Association did not get the ‘New Mexico air pollution crises’ memo…

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