For the week ending May 8thCONFIRMING HEAD OF COUNTERINTELLIGENCE: Voting 84 for and seven against, the Senate on May 6 confirmed William R. Evanina as director of the National Counterintelligence…


How your congressional delegates voted

For the Week ending March 20th APPROVING $100 BILLION TO ADDRESS CORONAVIRUS: Voting 90 for and eight against, the Senate on March 18 sent President Trump a $100 billion safety-net…

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How your congressional delegates voted

For the week ending March 6thAPPROVING $8.3 BILLION TO TACKLE CORONAVIRUS: Voting 415 for and two against, the House on March 4 passed a bill (HR 6074) that would appropriate…

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How your congressional delegates voted

For the week ending February 14thGIVING NEW LIFE TO EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT: Voting 232 for and 183 against, the House on Feb. 13 adopted a measure (HJ Res 79) that…

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How your congressional delegates voted

HOW YOUR CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATES VOTED For the week ending February 7 OPPOSING BLOCK GRANTS FOR MEDICAID: The House on Feb. 6 voted, 223 for and 190 against, to condemn a…

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Read more about the article NM State Senator proposes temporary ban on fracking
Image by jwigley from Pixabay

NM State Senator proposes temporary ban on fracking

Democratic state Senator Antoinette Sedillo Lopez of Albuquerque has pre-filed a legislative proposal for a temporary ban on the issuance of hydraulic fracking permits until 2024. She is proposing the…

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How your Congressional Delegates voted

For the week ending January 10th ASSERTING CONGRESSIONAL CONTROL OVER WAR WITH IRAN: The House on Jan. 9 voted, 224 for and 194 against, to require the administration to obtain…

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