2021 Albuquerque Mayoral Candidate Job Interviews
Tim Keller Job Interview Manny Gonzales Job Interview At the NMBC BASH (Business and Social Hour) that was held on 07-15-21, we held job interviews

Early voting for CD 1 Special Election begins tomorrow!
Expanded early voting locations will open across Albuquerque and Bernalillo County on Saturday, May 15th for the first Congressional District Special Election. Voters in the

CD 1 Special Election Information
Election day for Congressional District 1 is rapidly approaching and NMBC wants to make sure you’re prepared to cast your vote either in person or

2020 General Election Information and Resources
2020 Election Information and Resources New Mexico Business Coalition is recognized across the state as a bold voice for businesses and common sense legislation that

Why Change the NM PRC?
In addition to candidate races and bond issues, the 2020 General Election ballot contains two proposed constitutional amendments that voters will decide. The first and

The 2020 General Election in NM has begun: Absentee Voting Begins Today!
Starting today New Mexico voters will begin receiving their absentee ballots in the mail, making the 2020 general election officially underway in New Mexico! If