NMBC antes up $20,000 to support right-to-work county legal fights

Published by Albuquerque Business First on 5-23-18, written by Ron Davis.

With four counties on board, efforts to pass right-to-work legislation are heating up in New Mexico.

A local business group wants to keep the heat on.

The New Mexico Business Coalition confirmed to Albuquerque Business First it will contribute $20,000 for the legal defense of counties' decisions to implement right-to-work, which prohibits a company and a union from signing a contract that would require the affected workers to be union members. The contributions came from several businesses. A statement by the Business Coalition to ABF did not name the businesses.

Sandoval, Otero, Lincoln and most recently, Chaves counties have passed right-to-work legislation in New Mexico.

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Right to Work Legal Defense Fund

It’s time we stop explaining our failures and start taking the bold and necessary steps to secure a future for our youth. One of the things we can do is…

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The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease

Commentary by Cristina Arnold, Regional Vice President, New Mexico Business Coalition

The Roswell Healthcare Solutions Group recently met at Eastern New Mexico Medical Center with legislators, community leaders and physician recruiters from the area, to discuss the current crisis of obtaining and retaining healthcare providers for Roswell and the surrounding communities.

The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) joined the Healthcare Solutions group when we realized that not only is the lack of providers in our area a problem for the residents and business owners of Roswell, it is also affecting the community’s ability to attract companies that will provide jobs and revenue needed to impact economic growth in our area.

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