Trump Follows Through On Requests From Manufacturers

In the early days of President Trump’s term, the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) presented policy makers with a list of regulations they wanted addressed or rewritten. Now, two years later, the administration has modified, delayed, or done away with 85% of those regulations to the great benefit on American manufacturers. 

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NMBC Member Spotlight: Summit Electric Supply

New Mexico Business Coalition is proud to feature member businesses and the work they do within the community by providing jobs, products and services that improve the quality of life for New Mexicans. This week we feature Summit Electric Supply

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Bernalillo County Commissioners Introduce New Sick Leave Bill, Revive Plastic Ban Debate

County Commission Chair Maggie Hart Stebbins and Vice Chair Debbie O’Malley introduced a new business-related bill this week that would require employers to grant sick leave to all employees, including part-timers and seasonal employees – at least 1 hour for every 30 hours worked.

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Rio Rancho Intel Plant To Add 300 Jobs

Technology firm Intel cited New Mexico’s “overall business climate” as one of the reasons for adding 300 new high paying jobs to the Rio Rancho facility.

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Albuquerque’s Crime Problem Hurts The State Business Environment

Crime rates in Albuquerque have long been a metropolitan issue, but affect the business environment statewide. The Albuquerque Journal points out just how jarring the stats are with a headline that reads “In Bernalillo County: 114 people shot in 112 days.” While the crime rate is lower in other parts of our state, these types of headlines impact the view of our state and whether or not businesses choose to relocate or open here.

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Methane emissions FALL amidst increased oil and gas production

The New Mexican oil and gas industry continues to do great work for our state. In spite of increased levels of natural gas consumption nationwide, the U.S. greenhouse gas emissions have fallen to their lowest levels since 1992. New Mexico's oil and gas industry is making incredible progress in reducing methane emissions as production surges in our own portion of the Permian Basin - the world's top producing oilfield and some of the highest natural gas production in the country. 

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NMBC Member Spotlight: Path Three Marketing


Over the past decade, New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) has grown into a formidable, outspoken advocate for pro-business public policy, fiscal responsibility, and elected official accountability. One of key elements of a brighter future is great businesses that provide the jobs, products and services that improve the quality of life for all New Mexicans.  NMBC is glad to profile some of those businesses. 

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NMBC Member Spotlight: Pavlos Panagopoulos


We are proud to feature Business Coalition members and the work they do within the community by providing jobs, products and services that improve the quality of life for New Mexicans. This week we feature Palvos Panagopoulos

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NMBC Member Spotlight: Monroe’s New Mexican Food

The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) has grown over the past ten years into a formidable, outspoken advocate for pro-business public policy, elected officials and candidates who agree New Mexico needs to be business friendly. One of key elements of a brighter future is great businesses that provide the jobs, products and services that improve the quality of life for all New Mexicans.  NMBC is glad to profile some of those businesses. 

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NMBC Member Spotlight: Saltey Dogg Metal Fab

One of the key elements in a brighter future for New Mexico is great businesses that provide the jobs, products, and services that improve the quality of life for all New Mexicans.  NMBC is glad to profile some of those businesses

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