Anti-crime bills advance

Legislative Update: There is still time for a grouping of anti-crime bills to pass both chambers. NMBC is pleased to report continued hard work and cooperation by leaders from both parties in Santa Fe to pass an omnibus package of 5 bills that would improve safety and help fight crime in our state.


The House passed HJR 1 Land Grant Fund Distributions

The House passed HJR 1 Land Grant Fund Distributions, CA, Reps ‘Moe’ Maestas, Javier Martinez, and Stephanie Garcia Richards. It’s sad for our state when so many representatives misunderstand the proper use of the land grant permanent fund and what raiding it would mean to our children in future generations.

This fund is not a piggy bank or rainy day fund to be raided whenever you think of something we should be doing in New Mexico. No one disagrees that our children need a better education, but we’ve seen proof positive that money is not the answer. We’ve increased funding for 10 years and yet our results of a poor educational system have not changed. Obviously money is not the answer. But if you take more of those precious funds now, there will be smaller distributions later.


Senate Public Affairs committee tabled SB 179 Employee Preference Act

Senate Public Affairs committee tables SB 179 Employee Preference Act, Senator Ingle. The union representatives gave impassioned testimony about those who want to kill the unions and how Right to Work (RTW) legislation is destroying the economy in every state that has enacted the legislation.

That’s just too much nonsense to cover here, because we’ve seen RTW states’ economies take off after passage of RTW legislation. We’ve seen huge corporations relocate away from non-RTW states to RTW states. But what’s interesting is that the unions are also saying that their membership in New Mexico is growing significantly.


HB 2 General Appropriations Act of 2018

HB 2 General Appropriations Act of 2018

This bill will be voted on soon by the full House and then move over to the Senate. Let’s hope it properly funds our courts (we need more judges and staff) and our public safety needs. What is more important when there is about $330 million in new revenue?


HB 141 School District Cash Balances

HB 141 School District Cash Balances by Reps Townsend, Hall, Crowder, Gallegos, and Adkins.

This bill appropriates $40.8 million from the general to refund reductions to the state equalization guarantee (SEG) distribution in FY17.


Carlsbad Brine Well

What is the Carlsbad Brine Well, why do we care and what difference does it make that the Senate killed several bills designed to fund its correction?

The Carlsbad Brine Well was a project years ago to remove brine water from underneath land in Carlsbad. The company doing the work filed bankruptcy and left a giant hole that has been at risk of collapsing for several years.