Protect our Children’s Future – Don’t Raid the Permanent Fund!

Stop Raiding the Land Grant Permanent Fund: Our elected officials need to be reminded that responsible withdrawals from the State Land Grant Permanent Fund (LGPF) are necessary to provide for our children’s education in perpetuity. To increase withdrawal rates and risk our children’s future is irresponsible and would jeopardize the fund.

What New Mexican’s need is accountability for the funds currently being spent: The answer is not to increase the rate of LGPF disbursements, but instead to focus on direct learning programs that yield beneficial results without violating federal requirements. That could be accomplished if the state would stop funding special interest groups and put the money into our teachers and quality educational materials.


New Mexico’s Educational System – Is More Money the Answer to its Problems?

New Mexico consistently ranks 49th nationwide for education. How’s that working out for our people? Obviously not well. Our kids are not receiving a quality education and some can’t read when they graduate – if, in fact, they do graduate. In addition, companies often use our educational system as yet another reason to avoid our state.

Can we do better? Of course! There is little place to go but up.


NMBC Files Suit Over Proposed Sick Leave Ordinance In ABQ

Log Rolling Unfair to City Voters and Damaging to Job Opportunities

The Albuquerque Coalition for a Healthy Economy (A.C.H.E.) announced a lawsuit against the City of Albuquerque in State District Court due to the Healthy Workforce Ordinance. A.C.H.E. members, including New Mexico Business Coalition, believe the proposed ordinance is a fraud on city voters because it hides a vast number of punitive, unnecessary and expensive details from public debate and consideration. The proposed ordinance funded by a collection of out of state special interests presents at least seven different questions as one. Voters will be forced to decide on the ordinance during the October 3rd Municipal Election. If enacted the ordinance will be the most expensive and expansive in the nation, leading to lost job opportunities and businesses to relocate.


NMBC Survey Says – Let’s get to work!

The 2017 Legislative Session got underway last week and it’s shaping up to be a busy one. Click here to check out the bills that have already been filed – over 370 and counting!

Just prior to the session, NMBC initiated a survey to gain insight on what issues are most important to New Mexicans. We used the responses to shape our 2017 NMBC Priorities and are making sure that all the lawmakers in Santa Fe are taking note of what you had to say.

We read every comment and very much appreciate the feedback!

Here’s a glimpse of what NMBC survey responders had to say on the potential of government-mandated minimum wage increases in the range of $10 - $15 per hour:


NM Session Begins – Time to Cut the Red Tape

For too long, the EPA has ignored the impact of its regulations on the lives and livelihoods of the men and women who make things in America. Manufacturers and other business owners want to see improvements at the EPA so that the goals of environmental stewardship and economic growth can be achieved at the same time. President-elect Donald Trump’s nomination of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt for EPA administrator signals that change is finally coming.


Accountability – Not Excuses and More Money

Based on unofficial projections, the state Land Grant Permanent Fund (LGPF) will pay out a record-high $688 million for public schools and other beneficiaries in the coming budget year. That amount is based on a 5 percent withdrawal rate. But there is some bad news.


Ignore, Engage or BASH?

When it comes to important issues like jobs, our economy, the New Mexico budget deficit and the upcoming legislative session – NMBC provides the perfect venue to discuss all of these issues at the BASH (Business and Social Hour), this Thursday, January 12!

Business and community leaders will be at the BASH along with Albuquerque Mayoral Candidates, state and local elected officials and more. Richard Anklam, President and Executive Director of the New Mexico Tax Research Institute will provide insightful comments and you don’t want to miss what Carla Sonntag, NMBC President and Founder, is going to cover!


RPNM Ignores Defamation Issue – Forces Lawsuit

As followers and members of NMBC, I want you to know firsthand about an unfortunate situation that has received some recent media attention, and that affects our efforts to advance important issues for businesses in New Mexico.

In December, the Republican Party of New Mexico (RPNM) published false and defamatory claims about me and my family. In an email sent to Republicans in our state, the RPNM said I or my family authored anonymous emails that criticized candidates in the recent RPNM election. The RPNM also attacked my integrity and character.


Start the year with a BASH!

The 2017 New Mexico legislative session will be starting soon and based on the bills that have been pre-filed, elected officials are full of ideas on how to change our lives through legislation. Do YOU want to see more regulation, increased taxes and more money taken from our permanent funds for an education system that needs a complete overhaul before it needs more money? From what we've heard, the answer is a resounding 'No!'

NMBC recently conducted a survey, asking for your input on topics such as minimum wage increases, the state budget, addressing crime, tax reform and more. We got some amazing responses and thoughtful feedback that we'll be sharing at the BASH (Business and Social Hour) on January 12.


Crucial Juncture

The New Year is only a few days away and the excitement of 2017 brings with it new challenges.

New Mexico is at a crucial juncture. Are we going to stand for free markets that will diversify and grow jobs or will politicians control and limit our state’s economy with ‘tax and spend’ policies?

Some in our Capitol seek to make New Mexicans rely more on government. They work each day to expand programs that require citizens to bend to the will of politicians and bureaucrats in Santa Fe or Washington, D.C.

At the New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) we work for you.