Session Depression? You Need a Good BASH!

2016 Legislative Session Depression? For those who run a business, plan a family budget and work in the private sector, the news out of our state capital ranging from several hundred million dollars in ‘new revenue’ for next year’s budget to a potential deficit of almost a billion dollars is hard to follow. This much is clear - millions of dollars in increased spending for Medicaid, the Rail Runner, the Spaceport and other ‘investments,’ coupled with a severe drop in the state’s economic driver (oil and gas), have left legislators and New Mexicans with a depressing outlook for at least the next couple of years.


Stop the War on New Mexico’s Children

It’s Time to Stop the War on New Mexico’s Children: As the last days of the 2016 Legislative Session unfold, our elected officials need to be reminded that responsible withdrawals from the State Land Grant Permanent Fund (LGPF) are necessary to provide for our children’s education in perpetuity. To increase withdrawal rates and risk our children’s future is irresponsible and would jeopardize the fund. NM already has two “permanent” funds, Tobacco and Severance Tax, which are either dead or dying because of over depletion. We don’t need to use the LGPF that saves taxpayers approximately $814/year per household in taxes as yet another example of how to kill a fund.


Sierra Club Killing More Jobs? It’s Up to You.

Have you had enough of groups like the Sierra Club using the Obama administration’s EPA and BLM to kill NM jobs? Now is the time to speak up because more job killing ‘rules’ are on the way from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). The good news is you can easily let the BLM know how you feel by attending a meeting on 2-16 in Farmington.


Intestinal Fortitude

NMBC Recognized as the Only Business Group Standing Up for Better Stewardship of Tax Dollars and Accountability from Public Officials: NMBC is proud to have been singled out recently by KOAT Action 7 News, Albuquerque Business First, Santa Fe New Mexican, political blogger Joe Monahan and a local Albuquerque paper as the only business group willing to take a stand for better stewardship of tax dollars and against voter suppression.


Call to Action: SJR 1

UPDATE: A Senate Floor vote was taken on SJR 1 on 2/2/2016 and, unfortunately it passed. Please contact all members of the House to encourage them to vote NO on…


Energy Symposium

The 2016 New Mexico Energy Symposium - April 14, 2016 Event Coordinators: New Mexico Business Coalition and the Strategic Action Forum Register HERE! New Mexico is at the frontier of…