NMBC Takes a Stand Against Harmful Tax Hikes

New Mexico Business Coalition Joins Hundreds of Manufacturers to Petition Congressional Leaders Against Harmful Tax Hikes   Albuquerque, NM:  New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) joined community organizations and small and…


Call to Action – Stop the ABQ GRT increase

Albuquerque City Residents: The Albuquerque City Council will vote tonight regarding a three-eighths of one percent (.375%) Gross Receipts Tax increase. We are asking you to show up tonight to speak against this tax increase or, in the alternative, write to the City Councilors and voice your objection.

The facts are simple. This tax increase is: 1) Detrimental to business growth and job creation; and 2) It is especially difficult for low-income and senior citizens on a fixed income. If Albuquerque wants to grow and get out of this financial crisis it is now in, the answer is to broaden the tax base by encouraging business growth and relocation, not driving it away and trying to take more from those who live and work here.


Proposed GRT Tax Increase

Did you hear about the proposed City of Albuquerque tax increase? It's true, ABQ City Councilors Trudy Jones and Ken Sanchez have proposed a $55 million dollar (estimated per year)…