Tax & Minimum Wage Increases? Again?

  • Post published:January 20, 2015
  • Post category:Issues

Bernalillo County Tax Increase: Bernalillo County property taxes are up 20 percent, but that’s not enough to cover a county budget that has increased over 61 percent in the past nine years! Taxes will go up AGAIN, but Commissioners Stebbins, O’Malley and De La Cruz didn’t miss a beat in taking discretionary funds again this year. As a matter of fact, they took Commissioners Johnson and Talbert’s share as well when these two thought it would not be right to take more money from an already unbalanced budget.

Read the Journal editorial on the issue HERE.

Bernalillo County Minimum Wage Increase: The minimum wage in Bernalillo County is going up to $8.65 on January 26. Despite growing concern from business owners, there seems to be little input that is being heard by decision makers. Read more about the increase HERE.

Santa Fe Wage Increase: The City of Santa Fe will increase its living wage by 18 cents, beginning March 1. This will bring the current wage of $10.66 to $10.84. The increase is calculated from the consumer price index for “wage earners and clerical workers” in 2014. Read more HERE.

Heroes and Zeros: The NMBC works to bring you the facts, and with that we highlight HEROES who do the right thing to help business in New Mexico. We will also share decisions or actions that hurt the economy, our children and do ZERO good for New Mexicans.

The Bernalillo County Tax increase is a big ZERO. Commissioners Hart-Stebbins, O’Malley and De La Cruz know the dangers of tax increases to their constituents, yet they supported the increase anyway.

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