Legislative Heroes Update

It was a pleasure to witness the bipartisan action of the Senate Corporations & Transportation committee on Monday afternoon. The committee is chaired by Senator Phil Griego and runs like a well-oiled machine. Legislation is introduced, the audience given an opportunity to express opinions; it is discussed by the committee and a vote is taken.


Tax Heroes, Zeroes & Roundhouse Update

Legislative Hero says ‘NO’ to Raised Gas Tax and ‘YES’ to Saving our Perm Funds: With so many New Mexicans out of work and struggling to provide for their families, the last thing we need are increased taxes. While some legislators tried to raise taxes on gasoline, Representative Jason Harper was one of those who voted NO and stopped this effort in committee. Rep Harper said, “For the pain we’ll cause New Mexico Families…it’s not really an effective solution.”


Heroes & Zeroes Update

Respect for the Public Heroes: The NMBC would like to thank the new Speaker of the House, Representative Don Tripp. For the first time in recent memory, the House is respecting the public’s time with hearings and floor sessions by actually following posted schedules. Rep Tripp promised the public committee meetings would start on time and they have! The House floor has been conducting a shorter session focusing on lighter business in the morning and then working hard on bills in the afternoon after committees have adjourned.


Call to Action: Driver’s Licenses

Call to Action, Support HB 32 and HB 79: This Thursday, 1-29-15, at 1:30 PM in Santa Fe, the NM House Safety and Civil Affairs Committee (HSCAC) will hear two pieces of legislation to end the current practice regarding issuance of driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.


Your Voice DOES Make a Difference!

Success at the Bernalillo County Commission: Last night, Bernalillo County Commissioners considered a resolution to Congress on a “Fee and Dividend” program concerning CO2 emissions. We are glad to report the vote was 3 – 2, AGAINST the resolution.

There was a great response to the NMBC Call to Action on this issue! Many NMBC members sent emails, made calls and some attended last night’s meeting to give Commissioners feedback. Our VOICE made the difference in stopping this resolution.


A Tax by any other name is still a Tax!

What will Bernalillo County Commissioners do? Bernalillo County Commissioners will consider a resolution calling on Congress to impose a "Fee and Dividend" program with the goal of reducing CO2 emissions to 10 percent of 1990 levels. Albuquerque Climate Change Lobby, which is associated with a national group, Climate Change Lobby is behind this effort.

The idea behind the program taxes energy at a rate of $15 per ton of equivalent CO2 with a minimum $10 per ton increase each year. Taxes will be redistributed to taxpayers – BUT companies will have to raise rates, which means the tax will end up getting passed on to consumers.


Gear Up for the 2015 Legislative Session

Get Ready, NM: The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) will be in Santa Fe throughout the Legislative session. We will be providing our popular Heroes and Zeroes report to keep you current on elected officials’ actions and legislation. The report will highlight HEROES who do the right thing to help this state as well as the legislation that hurts the economy, our children and does ZERO good for New Mexicans. With the ZEROES report, we will let you know who is sponsoring the bad legislation and who is supporting it.