GOTV: It’s time to Get Out The Vote New Mexico! It’s important that you take time from your busy schedule to vote. Do someone a favor and take them with you.

Be Prepared for Full Ballots: The ballots are very long in some counties due, in particular, to bond issues and judges. The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) recommends that you get prepared to vote by looking at your sample ballot before going into vote. This will give you time to carefully consider the issues and candidates and research those for which you need more information.

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Seriously, Rep. Maestas?

This has been an incredibly nasty election cycle. Many candidates - from both parties - have put out information that is sometimes incorrect or misleading. Recent campaign information from Rep Antonio “Moe” Maestas, seeking re-election in NM House District 16, goes to a whole new level.

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$10.10, 1.29 million, NY Billionaire

What does $10.10, 1.29 million and a NY billionaire have in common? They all relate to the New Mexico general election currently underway. Here are the details:

Las Cruces Elected Officials Pushing for $10.10/hour wage: The Las Cruces City Council will take up the minimum wage issue tonight. Mayor Ken Miyagishima, who favors moving the wage to $10.10, has said the public WILL NOT be able to comment on the issue. "This work session is not to hear the pros and cons of why they feel this should go through.”

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Soros and the SOS Race

The NMBC on TV tonight: The President and Founder of the NMBC, Carla Sonntag, will be a featured panelist on tonight’s New Mexico In Focus, KNME Channel 5, beginning at 7 pm.

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33 College Campuses and Counting

Quite a Stir over the New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) suggesting voters THINK before they vote on Bond Issues. Yesterday the NMBC put out an email titled “Just Say No.” Wow, did we get some voters thinking!

The NMBC received positive feedback on how refreshing it is to have a business group that actually thinks through the issues. We also heard from some who question why anyone would consider not supporting bond issues. It’s GREAT to get so many voters and the business community tuned in to a frank discussion on the issues.

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Just Say ‘No’

New Mexico Voters --- Sometimes saying “NO” is the responsible thing to do. Some examples:

Constitutional Amendment 4 – Change criteria for “Urban Counties”. NO

This is specifically written for Bernalillo County because no other county in the state qualifies. It will increase government costs at the county level and reduce voter requirements to make changes. With the poor decisions coming out of the county against the will of Commissioners Johnson and Talbot, the last thing we need is to give some members of the Bernalillo County Commission more power!

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Order in the Court

Know Where Candidates Stand on the Issues – Not Their Party Affiliation: The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) conducted non-partisan job interviews for some key elected positions. What can be seen from these interviews are differences between candidates that have to do with their vision for New Mexico. We encourage New Mexicans to focus on the issues and where each candidate stands, not whether they have an R or a D next to their name.

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Group Raises $1 Million for NM Legislative Races

Did you see this?

ALBUQUERQUE JOURNAL, SANTA FE by Associated Press —A new campaign finance report shows that labor unions were the top donors to Patriot Majority New Mexico…The group is a “super PAC” that’s free from campaign limits…

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Job Interviews Today! Top Salary $94,999.84

BASH Today! Don’t miss the final Job Interview BASH (Business and Social Hour) of the year at the Albuquerque Country Club from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm. We hope to see you there!

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BASH Reminder

Reminder: The NMBC BASH (Business and Social Hour) featuring Job Interviews is TOMORROW, Tuesday, October 14 at the Albuquerque Country Club from 4:30 to 6:30 pm.

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