Legislative Heroes Bash Santa Fe

Legislative Heroes: It takes a special kind of person to serve in the New Mexico state legislature and continually stand up to the pressures of ‘going along to get along’. In our state, that unfortunately means fighting against the movement towards socialism or the desire to end our individual rights for the “perceived” good of the masses.

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Taxpayers Win, Fracking Ban & Econ 101

A big win for taxpayers in Santa Fe: After months of testimony, emails, phone calls, letters, and meetings, the Santa Fe City Council voted last night to repeal the Community Workforce Agreement (CWA) Ordinance. The repeal ordinance vote passed with a 5-3 vote. Councilors Trujillo, Wurzburger, Rivera, Dominguez, and Dimas voted for repeal while Councilors Calvert, Ives and Bushee voted against it.

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