How to make lemonade out of lemons!

Torrance County is thinking outside the box on how to potentially make lemonade out of lemons.

With more state and federal criminals serving less time - or sometimes none at all - many detention centers are closing. Not only is this bad for society to have more criminals on the streets, but it is costing jobs and the flow of several revenue sources.


Manufacturing Month, Events…And MORE! OH MY!

New Mexico Business Coalition declares October as Manufacturing Month. We want to promote manufacturers during the month of October. NMBC is looking to partner with manufactures who would want to host a manufacturing event. Read more information HERE!

We understand that many do not have the time to plan a manufacturing event which is why we will do all the heavy lifting. Read on to see why manufacturers should host an event:


Think you can’t be fooled?

Mandated paid sick leave for all employees (full-time, part-time, temporary, and seasonal) with no exceptions for small businesses or non-profit organizations will be on the Albuquerque ballot October 3. If the proposed sick leave ordinance in Albuquerque passes, you can bet the same type law/ordinance will be coming to the city you live in. NMBC has joined with other businesses and groups as the Albuquerque Coalition for a Healthy Economy to oppose the ABQ ordinance. There are many reasons why voters in Albuquerque should reject this law and others around the state should take notice – learn more HERE.


Jobs available, record funds for NM schools & more…

New Mexico manufacturing firm SolAero is hiring: SolAero Technologies Corp., a leading provider of high efficiency solar cells, solar panels, and composite structural products for satellite and aerospace applications, is hosting a Job Fair today, Tuesday, August 15th from 10:00am to 2:00pm for technician, operator and engineering positions. Get details HERE.

Read more about the article COSMA – YES – – – Ole – No Way!
NMBC President Carla Sonntag at COSMA

COSMA – YES – – – Ole – No Way!

New Mexico represented at the 2016 Conference of State Manufacturers Associations (COSMA): As the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) State Affiliate Group (SAG), NMBC represented New Mexico last week at the COSMA in Hershey, Pennsylvania. NMBC made some great contacts and will be working to bring some of the ‘best practices’ for manufacturing and other business development from around the nation to New Mexico to help improve our struggling economy.