Employee Free Choice for NM

NMBC supports a workers right to have a job in NM without being forced to join or pay dues to a union. Will our legislators take action during the 30 day 2016 Session?


Good News for NM

SJGS Plan Approved: After years of discussion, hearings and community involvement, the NM Public Regulation Commission adopted PNM’s plan to shut down half of San Juan Generating Station (SJGS) yesterday. This decision is good news for those wanting affordable and reliable electric energy for the state.


Talk is Not Enough

New Mexico, Change is Possible! The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) is focused on working with lawmakers and business owners to find positive solutions to anti-business issues around the state. Onerous, overbearing government regulations and laws that prohibit business growth plague New Mexico. We believe that while discussing the issues is a great start, talk is not enough to spur change.


Big News From Small Cities

Alamogordo Chamber of Commerce is Hosting a Pre Legislative Round Table Discussion and NMBC Presentation Titled ‘Pro-Business – Talk is Not Enough,’ on December 15: The Alamogordo Chamber is hosting a Pre Legislative Round Table Discussion with legislators from the area followed by a presentation and Q/A with NMBC President Carla Sonntag. This is a free event, but an RSVP is needed.


Give Thanks in All Circumstances

On behalf of NMBC, we wish you and your family a blessed and joyous Thanksgiving. We are grateful for each of you who take the time to get involved and support the work of making our state and nation better.


Truth Should Reign in NM

Another List Puts NM at Bottom: New Mexico scored low in an assessment on state integrity. Receiving an F grade for categories like “Executive Accountability,” “Legislative Accountability,” and “Public Access to Information”, the report gave New Mexico an overall “D-” grade, while placing it at a tie for 34th place among all states.


Who We Elect Matters – Medicaid & SF Water

State Medicaid Needs $1 Billion: Members of the Legislative Finance Committee were told last month that almost $1 billion is needed for the state’s share of Medicaid costs. Costs have increased by 8.5% to keep pace with skyrocketing enrollment and the future loss of funds from federal government matching.


Red-Tape Cuts Deep Across ABQ & all NM

Roadblocks to Economic Development Turn to Fast Track Help for Businesses Opening in Albuquerque: The widely anticipated Green Jeans Farmery development was slated to have its grand opening celebration on Tuesday of last week – but the City of Albuquerque permitting section was not able to issue the needed certificate of occupancy for most of the stores.


Las Cruces’ future depends on Tuesday’s vote

Setting the Record Straight – Las Cruces Mayor: Incumbent Mayor Ken Miyagishima’s recent campaign materials cited growth and changes in Las Cruces under his leadership. Along with these claims, his website lists several achievements including “commitment to full community participation in city decision-making”. Here’s the problem and why NMBC is setting the record straight: