Google’s Out – Heroes In – Fossil Fuel Opposition Update

Google is Leaving NM after announcing it would pull Titan Aerospace out of Moriarty. New Mexico invested $1 million in infrastructure and an additional $141,000 in Job Training Incentive Program (JTIP) funds. Google has agreed to repay the infrastructure investment which will be available for a future tenant.


Heroes Up Front; Zeroes to the Rear

The ABQ Fair Workweek Act will do ZERO Good for Employees and Businesses: Albuquerque City Councilor Ken Sanchez has asked for a fiscal and economic impact analysis to be conducted before further action on the ‘Fair Workweek’ ordinance is taken. That’s good news. Hopefully the council will be able to see that the proposed ordinance will hurt businesses, jobs and our economy. The NMBC will continue working against this ordinance and will monitor the proceedings.


Where to Vote

Voting locations can be found by contacting your County Clerks Office. You can view your County Clerk Office contact information HERE.

Read more about the article NMBC Voter Education
Santa Fe Roundhouse

NMBC Voter Education

85% Success: Since we began operations in 2009, the NMBC has been successful in 85% of the races in which we provided voter education. That high success rate is because…


Terms of Use

New Mexico Business Coalition Terms of Use Before accessing or using this website, please read this agreement ("Agreement") that defines the Terms of Use. When you access our website, you…

Read more about the article Introducing the 2015 Heroes

Introducing the 2015 Heroes

New Mexico, We Have Found Your Heroes!

The New Mexico Business Coalition is proud to announce the 2015 Heroes:

2015 Hero of the Year: Officer Lou Golson