Taxes and the Rise of Heroes
Taxes and the Rise of Heroes:
Taxes and the Rise of Heroes:
Heroes and Zeros Update:
A big win for taxpayers in Santa Fe: After months of testimony, emails, phone calls, letters, and meetings, the Santa Fe City Council voted last night to repeal the Community Workforce Agreement (CWA) Ordinance. The repeal ordinance vote passed with a 5-3 vote. Councilors Trujillo, Wurzburger, Rivera, Dominguez, and Dimas voted for repeal while Councilors Calvert, Ives and Bushee voted against it.
Free Enterprise - Prosperity? What Do our Youth Think?
In the USA, Welfare Benefits Add Up To $168/Day.
Call to Action and Upcoming Events
It Ain't Over Until the Session Ends!
NMBC Vigilance on Oil and Gas Legislation
Hero Actions for the Week of February 18