Good News – Bad News for Our KIDS

MORE ATTACKS ON THE PERMANENT FUNDS— BAD NEWS FOR OUR KIDS: Some NM elected officials/candidates have made raiding New Mexico’s permanent funds one of their top priorities. Here’s a thought: “No more blank checks and wasting our children’s future – we want accountability.”

Who is the latest to state they want to raid our permanent funds? Attorney General, Gary King, candidate for Governor, recently said he supported taking more money from the state’s Land Grant Permanent Fund to pay for early childhood education.

JOB INTERVIEWS FOR STATEWIDE POSITIONS: The Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) will host BASHs (Business and Social Hours) featuring Job Interviews for elected positions. Candidates will be interviewed one-on-one by the NMBC on behalf of the “Boss” (the New Mexican voter). If you have a question for candidates in scheduled interviews or would like to sponsor an upcoming event, contact the NMBC at

Santa Fe BASH, August 28, 2014 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm at the Santa Fe Women’s Club. Job applicants who have confirmed their interviews include: Secretary of State Candidates Dianna J. Duran and Maggie Toulouse Oliver; NM State Auditor Candidates Robert Aragon and Tim Keller; State Land Commissioner Candidate Aubrey Dunn and Ray Powell.

Loveable Critters for Sure, But $2 Million for Otters? Bernalillo County Commissioner Debbie O’Malley sponsored a bond proposal to generate roughly $2 million to place otters in the Albuquerque BioPark. Is this a good use of taxpayer money when there are important issues — like many New Mexico children going to school hungry every day?

Contact the New Mexico Business Coalition at (505) 836 4223 or if we can help you in any way.