Job Interviews Today! Top Salary $94,999.84

  • Post published:October 14, 2014
  • Post category:Issues

Job Interviews – Candidates for: Attorney General: Hector Balderas and Susan Riedel; Secretary of State: Dianna J. Duran and Maggie Toulouse Oliver; State Auditor: Robert Aragon and Tim Keller; State Treasurer: Tim Eichenberg.

In addition to the candidates being interviewed, you have the chance to meet many other elected and candidate VIPs to include: Representative Bill Rehm, Rio Rancho Mayor Gregg Hull, Sandoval County Commissioners Don Chapman and Glenn Walters, Judge Sharon Walton, Village of Tijeras Councilors Dave Wilson and Maxine Wilson, PRC Candidate Sandy Jones, State Rep Candidates Robert Waylon Chavez and Marianne Costello, 2nd Judicial District, Division 5 Judge Candidate Jim Baiamonte, Metro Court Judge Candidate Jill Martinez, Sandoval County Probate Judge Candidate Larry McClain, Bernalillo County Assessor Candidate George Torres, Bernalillo County Sheriff Candidate Manuel Gonzales.

We Truly Appreciate our BASH Sponsors:

Silver Level Sponsor: Concho Bronze Level Sponsors: New Mexico American Fire and Sprinkler Association New Mexico Restaurant Association

Please contact the NMBC for more information at or (505) 836-4223.