Support NM Jobs & Energy Symposium

We Need Your Help to Save NM Jobs – The Clock is Ticking: There are only a few days left for public comments to make a difference and NMBC needs your help to stop job-killing regulations that are being proposed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

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Limit Government Control for a Prosperous NM!

Biz Groups Sue DOL: The Department of Labor has issued a new rule requiring employers to disclose any meetings with outside consultants on how to craft their message to workers during union organizing rules. Several business groups are suing in response to this ruling. This is just one more example of how the government is limiting the freedom a business owner has to operate.

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Energy Symposium & 2016 Heroes

Sign up Today for the 2016 New Mexico Energy Symposium, at the Albuquerque Convention Center, April 14: National and statewide experts to provide insights that will support a viable strategy for creating a cohesive and robust energy industrial base in New Mexico. The initiative will be piloted by the city of Albuquerque and is designed to create job growth and economic diversity and stability in the state. The New Mexico Business Coalition is partnering with the Strategic Action Forum. Event registration HERE.

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Good News for NM

SJGS Plan Approved: After years of discussion, hearings and community involvement, the NM Public Regulation Commission adopted PNM’s plan to shut down half of San Juan Generating Station (SJGS) yesterday. This decision is good news for those wanting affordable and reliable electric energy for the state.

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Read more about the article Truth Should Lead the Conversation

Truth Should Lead the Conversation

The Truth Should Lead the Conversation:  The NMBC Energy Summit on July 1 was successful in bringing out facts about the extreme environmental agenda in opposition to the extraction and use of New Mexico’s natural resources.  An attendee of the event wrote to the Albuquerque Journal last week to give his take on this article

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How Important is San Juan Generating Station to New Mexico?

How important is affordable electricity, 811 jobs and annual royalties and taxes of over $40 million to New Mexico? Not a concern at all for radical environmental groups that would like to see the San Juan Generating Station (SJGS) completely shut down and for the power to be replaced with solar energy. Their plan is estimated to cost $1.5 billion.

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The Truth is Out There

Fracking Safe for Drinking Water: Earlier this month, the EPA released a report stating that they found no evidence of hydraulic fracturing to drill for oil and natural gas causing widespread impact to drinking water in the U.S.

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Join Together

Protecting the environment and safely extracting natural resources to produce clean and affordable energy is possible. But our state’s ability to prosper is challenged by government regulations and extreme environmentalists’ demands on the extraction and use of those resources. The common sense side of those issues is often silent or missing.

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Lead the Conversation

The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) salutes the men and women who died fighting for the freedom and liberty that make the United States of America the greatest nation in the world. This week, we honor our veterans and those who serve today in our armed forces defending our values and the U.S. Constitution.

Lead the Conversation or be Controlled by the Outcome: Looking for a fresh take on the facts, technology and trends for New Mexico Energy? The New Mexico Business Coalition Energy Summit on July 1, at 11:30 am, at the Sheraton Albuquerque Uptown will set the record straight and give attendees the knowledge to lead the conversation.

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Energy Summit with Congressman Steve Pearce – July 1

NMBC Energy Summit - July 1 - 11:30 am to 1:00 pm - Congressman Steve Pearce Join the New Mexico Business Coalition at the 2015 Energy Summit on July 1 from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm at the Sheraton Albuquerque Uptown. We are honored to have Congressman Steve Pearce as the keynote speaker. The luncheon will also feature an energy panel.

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