Is Better Leadership in NM Possible?
The reasons New Mexico has some of the highest unemployment, poverty and crime rates in the nation are complex. One thing stands out, however, and it points to the value of quality leadership.
It's not uncommon in New Mexico to hear of federal investigations and court actions to include oversight of an appointed 'Special Master' or 'Monitor' due to problems with how things have (or have not) been done. Regardless of the complexity of the issues, it's evident that leadership at many levels has an important role in where we are today and the ability of our state to improve as we go forward.
So the question is: "Can leaders improve, learn from others and be motivated to do better?" Fortunately, the answer is 'yes,' and the Global Leadership Summit (GLS) is coming up on August 11th and 12th to provide that opportunity. With five in-state locations to choose from, New Mexicans don't have to travel far to benefit from outstanding faculty of world-class teachers and speakers either. New Life New Mexico, at 2701 American Road SE, Rio Rancho, NM, 87124 is hosting the GLS for the second year in a row.