Right to Work (RTW) Facts for NM County Ordinances

To address misinformation about the Right to Work (RTW) ordinance NMBC is supporting that recently passed in Sandoval and Otero County (and is under consideration in several other counties), consider these answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Will the RTW ordinance affect our teachers, firefighters or police?

No! They are completely unaffected.

The RTW ordinance only affects private sector employees covered by the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), a federal law. No state, county, or municipal employees will be affected by the ordinance in any way.

In fact, hiring halls for construction trades, such as the carpenters or operating engineers, are unaffected. Many employers find the hiring hall arrangements allow them to screen and hire qualified employees, and they are not prohibited by right to work laws in states or counties.

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Hands off of New Mexico’s permanent fund

Hands off permanent fund

Letter to the Editor, Albuquerque Journal, published on April 7, 2018. Written by JOE STEHLING of Angel Fire

I TRULY DO not understand why the activists who want to tap our permanent fund are willing to sacrifice the future of New Mexico to throw more money at early childhood education. They have no idea of the economics and long-term impact on drawing down the fund for unproven results.

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Read more about the article Ballot trouble
Candidates are facing legal challenges over their nominating petitions

Ballot trouble

Petition problems threaten some candidates; some candidates have already been disqualified to be on the ballot. The cut-off date for candidates to turn in their nominating petitions with the required number of valid signatures has come and gone. Besides the risk of not having enough legible, properly registered voter signatures on their petitions, several candidates are facing legal challenges (to have them disqualified) based on information printed on the petition itself.

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Are taxpayer funded job incentives a good investment?

People often ask if NMBC supports Job Training Incentive Program (JTIP). Quite honestly, JTIP has rarely been a good thing for New Mexico. While NMBC can support the concept of what was designed to provide on-the-job and classroom training that reimburses for 50 to 75 percent of wages for newly created jobs, it seems we just have not found an effective way to manage it. New Mexico is really good at giving away taxpayer dollars, but we often get nothing for it.

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How will import tariffs impact New Mexico?

MFG jobs have increased across the nation, but not in NM. How will import tariffs impact manufacturers in our state? Give us your thoughts HERE.

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The Good, Bad, Ugly

Good (very good) news for BASH lovers! Thursday’s BASH in Albuquerque was a huge success with 180 attendees and people around the state are asking what about us. The very good news is – you’re next! Here’s the lineup for the next two scheduled events around New Mexico:

Farmington, 4/19/18, 5 – 7 pm, keynote speaker, Andrew Vecera, Chief of Staff, representing U.S. Rep Rob Bishop, Chair of the U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources.

Hobbs, 5/3/18, 4:30 – 6:30 pm, back by popular demand, keynote speaker Jonathan Williams, co-author of Rich States, Poor States.

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Call to Action – Stop the ABQ GRT increase

Albuquerque City Residents: The Albuquerque City Council will vote tonight regarding a three-eighths of one percent (.375%) Gross Receipts Tax increase. We are asking you to show up tonight to speak against this tax increase or, in the alternative, write to the City Councilors and voice your objection.

The facts are simple. This tax increase is: 1) Detrimental to business growth and job creation; and 2) It is especially difficult for low-income and senior citizens on a fixed income. If Albuquerque wants to grow and get out of this financial crisis it is now in, the answer is to broaden the tax base by encouraging business growth and relocation, not driving it away and trying to take more from those who live and work here.

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Stop Complaining and Take Action!

It's time to stop complaining and start taking action. If you are ready to hear some actionable steps we can take (right now) to improve our state, you don't want to miss the BASH (Business and Social Hour) in Albuquerque on Thursday afternoon.

Ticket information here.

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It’s Time for a BASH (Business and Social Hour)

Why is New Mexico rated as the 'worst run' state in the latest edition of Rich States, Poor States and what can be done about it? Join us on March…

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