Are taxpayer funded job incentives a good investment?

People often ask if NMBC supports Job Training Incentive Program (JTIP). Quite honestly, JTIP has rarely been a good thing for New Mexico. While NMBC can support the concept of what was designed to provide on-the-job and classroom training that reimburses for 50 to 75 percent of wages for newly created jobs, it seems we just have not found an effective way to manage it. New Mexico is really good at giving away taxpayer dollars, but we often get nothing for it.


The Good, Bad, Ugly

Good (very good) news for BASH lovers! Thursday’s BASH in Albuquerque was a huge success with 180 attendees and people around the state are asking what about us. The very good news is – you’re next! Here’s the lineup for the next two scheduled events around New Mexico:

Farmington, 4/19/18, 5 – 7 pm, keynote speaker, Andrew Vecera, Chief of Staff, representing U.S. Rep Rob Bishop, Chair of the U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources.

Hobbs, 5/3/18, 4:30 – 6:30 pm, back by popular demand, keynote speaker Jonathan Williams, co-author of Rich States, Poor States.


Call to Action – Stop the ABQ GRT increase

Albuquerque City Residents: The Albuquerque City Council will vote tonight regarding a three-eighths of one percent (.375%) Gross Receipts Tax increase. We are asking you to show up tonight to speak against this tax increase or, in the alternative, write to the City Councilors and voice your objection.

The facts are simple. This tax increase is: 1) Detrimental to business growth and job creation; and 2) It is especially difficult for low-income and senior citizens on a fixed income. If Albuquerque wants to grow and get out of this financial crisis it is now in, the answer is to broaden the tax base by encouraging business growth and relocation, not driving it away and trying to take more from those who live and work here.


Proposed GRT Tax Increase

Did you hear about the proposed City of Albuquerque tax increase? It's true, ABQ City Councilors Trudy Jones and Ken Sanchez have proposed a $55 million dollar (estimated per year)…


March 1 BASH featured speaker Jay Block, Sandoval County Commissioner

Jay C. Block was born and raised in Manchester, NH and grew up with a strong interest to serve at a young age. In 1987 and early 1988 he worked for the Jack Kemp for President campaign during the New Hampshire primary season. In 1989, Jay graduated from high school and decided to serve his country by enlisting in the Air Force Reserve. He then transferred to the Air National Guard in North Dakota while attending college at North Dakota State University where he interned for a US Senator in 1993 and graduated in 1995 with a political science degree and a commission through the Air Force ROTC program.


May 3rd Hobbs BASH keynote speaker: Jonathan Williams

Jonathan Williams is the Chief Economist and Vice President for the Center for State Fiscal Reform at the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), where he works with state policymakers, congressional leaders and members of the private sector to develop fiscal policy solutions for the states. Williams also co-authors Rich States, Poor States: ALEC-Laffer Economic State Competitiveness Index with Reagan economist Dr. Arthur Laffer and Stephen Moore. Prior to joining ALEC, Williams served as staff economist at the nonpartisan Tax Foundation, authoring numerous tax policy studies.