Job Opening: $85,000 + Benefits

Join us in Albuquerque for a Candidate Job Interview BASH (Business and Social Hour): The ABQ BASH will be held Thursday, June 30, from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm at the Albuquerque Country Club, 601 Laguna Boulevard SW, Albuquerque, NM 87104.


NMBC Supports New Regulatory Reform Movement


NMBC Supports New Regulatory Reform Movement: The 'Rethink Red Tape Coalition' was Formed to Examine the Impact Regulations Have on Small Manufacturers and to Provide Small Business Owners a Platform to Drive Smarter Regulation.

Washington, D.C. — In response to the growing number of government regulations that unfairly burden America’s small businesses, manufacturers and startups, the New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) is adding its support to the newly launched Rethink Red Tape coalition and advocacy campaign, a project of the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) and Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council (SBE Council), in partnership with the International Franchise Association and Women Impacting Public Policy.


Is Government Waste Okay With Voters?

Capital Projects, General Obligation Bonds and Property Taxes: Frequently on ballots are ‘Bond Questions’ that relate to capital projects (construction of buildings, roads, … etc.) funded through property taxes. You may recall NMBC has encouraged voters to consider the use of those tax dollars, not just the emotional appeal such as ‘it’s for the kids'.


Small Biz Week and National Day of Prayer

National Small Business Week, May 2 – 6: Every year since 1963, the President of the United States has issued a proclamation announcing National Small Business Week, which recognizes the critical contributions of America’s entrepreneurs and small business owners.

NMBC applauds the attention focused on businesses and works each day, not just one week out of the year, to advocate for job providers. NMBC believes a strong economy, job creation, and prosperity for all New Mexicans can only be realized in a healthy business environment, free of excessive regulation and taxation. We support free enterprise as the driver of economic development over government programs that limit individual prosperity and liberty.


NMBC is Growing – Send Resume Today

NMBC is Looking for Admin and Membership Development Support: Do you know someone who would like to join NMBC's team to improve New Mexico’s business environment? NMBC is looking for entry level administrative support and individual(s) to assist with membership development.


Loopholes, Land Use and Call for Heroes

‘Swiss Cheese’ Tax Code Creates Budget Woes: NMBC has been an advocate for a complete re-write of the current New Mexico Tax Code. Here is an excerpt of NMBC’s 2016 Tax Policy Objective:

The tax code should be completely rewritten based on the impact on business growth and expansion of private sector jobs without harming individuals and retirees. Tax exemptions for certain industries and businesses indicate tax code deficiencies. A clean, fair tax code will promote business growth, employment, increase state revenue and make New Mexico more competitive with surrounding states.


Stop the War on Fossil Fuel Jobs

It’s time to stop radical environmental groups from using agencies, like the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), to push their no-compromise agenda which will kill jobs in New Mexico. Why now? The BLM has proposed new regulations dealing with natural gas venting and flaring.


Stop BLM From Killing More NM Jobs

It’s time to stop radical environmental groups from using federal agencies, like the BLM, to push their no-compromise agenda which will kill jobs in New Mexico. Why now? The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has proposed new regulations dealing with natural gas venting and flaring.


Support NM Jobs & Energy Symposium

We Need Your Help to Save NM Jobs – The Clock is Ticking: There are only a few days left for public comments to make a difference and NMBC needs your help to stop job-killing regulations that are being proposed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).