Loopholes, Land Use and Call for Heroes

‘Swiss Cheese’ Tax Code Creates Budget Woes: NMBC has been an advocate for a complete re-write of the current New Mexico Tax Code. Here is an excerpt of NMBC’s 2016 Tax Policy Objective:

The tax code should be completely rewritten based on the impact on business growth and expansion of private sector jobs without harming individuals and retirees. Tax exemptions for certain industries and businesses indicate tax code deficiencies. A clean, fair tax code will promote business growth, employment, increase state revenue and make New Mexico more competitive with surrounding states.


Stop the War on Fossil Fuel Jobs

It’s time to stop radical environmental groups from using agencies, like the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), to push their no-compromise agenda which will kill jobs in New Mexico. Why now? The BLM has proposed new regulations dealing with natural gas venting and flaring.


Stop BLM From Killing More NM Jobs

It’s time to stop radical environmental groups from using federal agencies, like the BLM, to push their no-compromise agenda which will kill jobs in New Mexico. Why now? The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has proposed new regulations dealing with natural gas venting and flaring.


Support NM Jobs & Energy Symposium

We Need Your Help to Save NM Jobs – The Clock is Ticking: There are only a few days left for public comments to make a difference and NMBC needs your help to stop job-killing regulations that are being proposed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).


Limit Government Control for a Prosperous NM!

Biz Groups Sue DOL: The Department of Labor has issued a new rule requiring employers to disclose any meetings with outside consultants on how to craft their message to workers during union organizing rules. Several business groups are suing in response to this ruling. This is just one more example of how the government is limiting the freedom a business owner has to operate.


NM Manufacturing Update

NM Manufacturing Update: After the manufacturing BASH (Business and Social Hour) on March 10, NMBC had some quality time with National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) VP Ned Monroe. Some great news for New Mexico manufacturers came out of our meeting!


Energy Symposium & 2016 Heroes

Sign up Today for the 2016 New Mexico Energy Symposium, at the Albuquerque Convention Center, April 14: National and statewide experts to provide insights that will support a viable strategy for creating a cohesive and robust energy industrial base in New Mexico. The initiative will be piloted by the city of Albuquerque and is designed to create job growth and economic diversity and stability in the state. The New Mexico Business Coalition is partnering with the Strategic Action Forum. Event registration HERE.