Better Times Ahead or Out go the Lights?

The National Mood is Improving – How about You?

The USA mood and key indicators of the economy point to better times ahead: In preliminary figures provided to NMBC by NAM (National Association of Manufacturers), the consumer sentiment rebounded in April after pulling back somewhat in the prior two months. Confidence remained high and not far from January’s 13-year record. Indeed, the underlying figures suggest that Americans remain quite upbeat. That message is also being conveyed in the spending data, with retail sales up 5.2 percent over the past 12 months. The American consumer has been more willing to open his/her pocketbook, especially when compared to this time last year.

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Energy BASH Comes to ABQ & Lawsuit Update

The NMBC Farmington Energy BASH (Business and Social Hour) last week, themed “Engaging the Community in Energy”, brought out a huge crowd. Check out this great write up in the Farmington Daily Times about the event: Energy BASH served as forum for energy advocates.

We are glad New Mexicans are ready to engage in our state's future, because YOU are the difference between success and status quo (or worse). We must unite on the side of common sense to defend New Mexico’s most important trades: the extractive industries and energy production.

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NMBC Stands Up for High Paying New Mexico Oil & Gas Jobs

New Mexico Business Coalition Works to Repeal BLM Venting And Flaring Rule

On a recent national conference call with reporters, New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) president Carla Sonntag endorsed the use of the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to overturn the U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s “venting and flaring” rule. The rule imposes new federal restrictions on top of existing state and federal regulations dealing with methane emissions from oil and natural gas wells.

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What the frack are they thinking?

Crazy times in the state legislature! There is too much to share, but a couple of things that need your attention:

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Last Call for Hero Nominations, NMBC Member Highlight & Sick Leave Ord. Update

Last Chance to Nominate an NMBC Hero is this Friday: The Annual NMBC Heroes Banquet will be on November 17, from 6pm – 8pm, at the Albuquerque Marriott, 2101 Louisiana, NE. This uplifting banquet will honor Heroes in our state who devote their time, energy and talents to protect our families, expand free enterprise and improve the quality of life for all New Mexicans. The Deadline to Nominate a Hero is September 16.

If you know an Elected Official, Appointed Official, Business Leader, Community Leader, or Young leader who deserves to be recognized as an NMBC Hero, download the nomination form HERE and email it to NMBC at no later than 9-16-16.

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Decision 2016, Bad Ordinances, Good Energy, NM Heroes & More

So Many Issues: In the midst of important issues our elected officials (and voters) should be focused on, the Bernalillo County Commission has called a special meeting for Thursday, September 8, at 2pm. The point of the meeting is what to do with an Albuquerque Ordinance that will dictate to employers the type of paid leave they provide employees. While the issue is in Albuquerque for now, it has implications for every city in the state. NMBC will be at the meeting with several business owners to speak against the ordinance being placed on the November 8 ballot.

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Oil & Gas Rally, Palo Verde Update, Las Cruces BASH & Rail Runner

Join the NMBC in Roswell to Support and Celebrate New Mexico Oil and Gas: NMBC will be in Roswell to support and celebrate all that New Mexico Oil and Gas producers do for our state. Please join us on Wednesday, August 31, 2016 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm, at the Roswell Convention & Civic Center Parking Lot.

National groups that are pushing the ‘keep it in the ground’ agenda are again trying to make sure they are the only voice heard. NMBC, along with others in the state who appreciates all the GOOD that comes from oil and gas will make sure our voices are heard too! Don’t miss this free event that will have food, music and lots of fun. More information about the event HERE.

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PRC Misled, Corporate Welfare, Upcoming BASH & More…

NMBC Members Give NM Public Regulation Commissioners Feedback supporting Cleaner Air and Carbon-Free Energy in NM (Sign the Petition HERE): An articulate and engaged NMBC member had some the following thoughtful feedback for the NM PRC:

“Dear NMPRC Commissioners: I respectfully submit to all five PRC Commissioners the following comments in opposition to the proposed rate cuts.

The NMPRC may be on the cusp of making a really bad decision to cut PNM’s requested rate by about two-thirds. While the PRC Evaluator may believe that such a reduction is in the best interest of the rate payers, I think that not having the leverage of PNM’s negotiated Palo Verde position will be more expensive in the long run because alternative fuels to supply the delta distribution will be more costly than nuclear and contain carbon emissions; which nuclear does not.

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New Study Shows Manufacturing Demand for Natural Gas Will Grow

NAM Study Shows Positive Natural Gas Impacts in New Mexico and Across U.S.

Washington, D.C. and Albuquerque, NM, May 3, 2016 – Today, the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) Center for Manufacturing Research and IHS Economics released a new comprehensive study that reveals how natural gas has strengthened manufacturing and encouraged U.S. manufacturing growth and employment and highlights the positive impact to communities around the United States. New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC), the State Affiliate Group (SAG) for the NAM echos the importance of the NAM findings as manufacturers in New Mexico use natural gas for fuel, such as drying, melting, machine drive and space heating, and as a feedstock in refining, chemicals and primary metals sectors. Domestic natural gas has transformed the U.S. economy, made our companies more competitive, created jobs and put money back in the pockets of working Americans.

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Jobs, Energy & Elections

Last Chance to Sign Petition Supporting NM Jobs: Today is the last day to sign the petition to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and NM Congressional delegation asking for a stop to job-killing regulations that are being proposed by the BLM. Please sign the petition HERE.

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