Senate Public Affairs committee tabled SB 179 Employee Preference Act

Senate Public Affairs committee tables SB 179 Employee Preference Act, Senator Ingle. The union representatives gave impassioned testimony about those who want to kill the unions and how Right to Work (RTW) legislation is destroying the economy in every state that has enacted the legislation.

That’s just too much nonsense to cover here, because we’ve seen RTW states’ economies take off after passage of RTW legislation. We’ve seen huge corporations relocate away from non-RTW states to RTW states. But what’s interesting is that the unions are also saying that their membership in New Mexico is growing significantly.

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The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease

Commentary by Cristina Arnold, Regional Vice President, New Mexico Business Coalition

The Roswell Healthcare Solutions Group recently met at Eastern New Mexico Medical Center with legislators, community leaders and physician recruiters from the area, to discuss the current crisis of obtaining and retaining healthcare providers for Roswell and the surrounding communities.

The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) joined the Healthcare Solutions group when we realized that not only is the lack of providers in our area a problem for the residents and business owners of Roswell, it is also affecting the community’s ability to attract companies that will provide jobs and revenue needed to impact economic growth in our area.

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Bi-partisan work at the Legislative Session

Bi-partisan work at the Legislative Session is good for New Mexico.

Last week the House of Representatives passed HB19, which morphed into a collection of crime bills aimed at making New Mexico safer.

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Got Truth? New Energy Economy could use some!

New Energy Economy (NEE) has a knack for sensationalism and fund raising, but not for telling the truth. And now they have fallen subject to the NMBC Truth Project.

Why should anyone care what NEE says? Its false and misleading statements have left the realm of their funders and followers and have now hit the mainstream where they are attempting to impact regulatory decisions.

The problem is that it may have worked.

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What’s the best way to solve problems in New Mexico?

What matters most in 2018 to make NM better? NMBC values your opinion to help guide our work dedicated to improving the quality of life for all New Mexicans. Please…

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Just Breathe …. and Vote!

Special Session starts tomorrow: There’s been a lot finger-pointing, name-calling, and postcard mailers with bad information over the past two months. Now, it’s time to take a breath, pray for a short and successful session, and move on to productive business!

We should be New Mexicans first with the desire to move our state from its dismal statistics to the greatness we all know is achievable. We won’t get there with animosity and blaming. Take the time – right now – to send an encouraging note to your senator and representative and tell them you would like to see a short special session that ends with a budget that works for all New Mexicans.

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High ENERGY in Farmington & Higher GRT in BERNCO

Last chance to register for the Farmington Energy BASH (Business and Social Hour), featuring Ken McQueen, Cabinet Secretary, Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources. Seating is limited; 5 seats left. ONLY pre-registered guests will be admitted. Register here.

High interest for the ENERGY BASH by The Farmington Daily Times, read the article here.

Legislative wrap up by NMBC President, Carla Sonntag. Carla will give a summary at the Energy BASH of the good, the bad and the ugly including bills that would impact taxes and energy production in New Mexico. Read more here.

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Call to Action & Important News

Minimum Wage Call to Action: Governor Martinez is justifiably concerned about signing either minimum wage bill passed by the legislature. One at $9/hour SB386, and one at $9.25/hour HB442 are both problematic in a state that has a stagnant economy and the highest unemployment level in the nation.

We urge you to contact the Governor's office and express your opposition to these bills and encourage the Governor to veto both of them.

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Is the Legislature in full meltdown or just experiencing frequent random fires?

Bills passed with strong bipartisan support are being vetoed by the Governor. Some have veto messages and some have no comment.

Senator Brandt started a successful override measure in the Senate on the veto of HB 241 Use of Attendance in Teacher Evaluations. The Senate agreed to override the veto and obtained the necessary two-thirds vote by its members. The measure appears stopped by the House, however, which would also require two-thirds of its members to vote for an override. Rep Gentry, Minority Leader, said he’s confident that the measure will not pass the House.

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