PRC Misled, Corporate Welfare, Upcoming BASH & More…
NMBC Members Give NM Public Regulation Commissioners Feedback supporting Cleaner Air and Carbon-Free Energy in NM (Sign the Petition HERE): An articulate and engaged NMBC member had some the following thoughtful feedback for the NM PRC:
“Dear NMPRC Commissioners: I respectfully submit to all five PRC Commissioners the following comments in opposition to the proposed rate cuts.
The NMPRC may be on the cusp of making a really bad decision to cut PNM’s requested rate by about two-thirds. While the PRC Evaluator may believe that such a reduction is in the best interest of the rate payers, I think that not having the leverage of PNM’s negotiated Palo Verde position will be more expensive in the long run because alternative fuels to supply the delta distribution will be more costly than nuclear and contain carbon emissions; which nuclear does not.