Correction: NMBC on the Air

Tune in to 770 KKOB at 9 AM, Sunday: The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) will be on the radio (770 KKOB) at 9 AM Sunday, January 18. Our new Membership Development Director, Brad Jowers, will be on to discuss the NMBC with Terrie Q. Sayre and will be available to take your questions.


BASHing Success & Call to Action

What a BASH! With standing room only and a bi-partisan crowd, the pre-legislative BASH (Business and Social Hour) hosted by the New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) was a huge success!

25 elected and appointed officials were in attendance to hear Senator Stuart Ingle and Representative Don Trip speak about the upcoming session and plan to get New Mexico on track to promote business and job growth.


Don’t Forget – BASH Tomorrow!

Don’t Miss the 2015 Pre-Legislative BASH: Join the New Mexico Business Coalition tomorrow, January 7, at 4:30 pm at the Albuquerque Country Club for a BASH (Business and Social Hour).

Featured keynote speakers: Senator Stuart Ingle, Minority Floor Leader and Rep Don Tripp, Presumed Speaker of the House. Senator Ingle and Rep Tripp will speak on topics that will be big in the upcoming legislative session, as well as give insight as to what bills might make it to the Governor’s desk.


NMBC Urgent Call to Action

Happy New Year, New Mexico!

The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) needs your help! Case 13-00390-UT for approval of PNM to abandon San Juan Generating Station Units 2 and 3 will go to hearing TODAY, Monday 1/5/15. We are requesting that you contact the New Mexico Public Regulation Commissioners and urge them to support the plan as submitted.


Happy New Year and Events

Happy New Year, New Mexico! The New Mexico Business Coalition is starting 2015 with some great events!

NMBC on the Air: Brad Jowers, NMBC Membership Development Director, will be on 770 KKOB with Terrie Q Sayre on Saturday, 1/3/15, 9 am. Be sure to tune in!


Ring in the New Year with a BASH!

Year in Review: Thanks to you, 2014 was an exceptional year for the NMBC! We enjoyed hosting some of the best BASH events, made new friends, and set a new record for success in our voter education efforts. Voters agreed that pro-business candidates were the way to go this year and agreed with the NMBC 97 percent of the 32 races in which we provided them with the facts. That brings our overall record to an unprecedented 85 percent in 121 races since we began operations in 2009!


Peace on Earth

As we focus on time with family and friends this holiday season, the NMBC wishes you all the joy, hope and peace that the celebration of Christmas brings. We reflect on the words of President Ronald Reagan’s 1981 Christmas message as we remember the true meaning of Christmas:


Positive Change is Coming!

Hobbs to Require Voter ID: Last week’s special election in Hobbs brought a 78% vote in favor of requiring a photo ID at the polls. The city charter amendment states that the city will provide identification free of charge to voters without it. This outcome was a positive step for the state in preventing voter fraud, without restricting voting. Read more about the special election HERE.


Oil Prices Drop, Oil Awareness Up

Oil Revenues Down for State: It may cost less to fill up your tank, but lower gas prices around the country will result in less oil revenue for New Mexico. This will directly affect the next fiscal state budget. The state had a little over $1.1 billion in revenue from oil and gas last year. According to Finance and Administration Secretary Tom Clifford, a $1 change in oil prices causes a $7.5 million change in revenue.


Losing Our Land

Watch "Losing Our Land" on For The Record, 6:00pm, tonight Wednesday, December 3rd. See flyer for details.

The documentary refers to this as a ‘silent problem’. It is time for New Mexicans to stand up and be heard. We cannot be silent any longer! Please watch this documentary to better understand what is happening to New Mexico lands and how it affects our families trying to make a living on them.