Secrecy, Exclusion & Abuse of Power

Transparency Should Be More Than A Campaign Promise: The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) believes in holding elected officials accountable. It doesn't matter what party they come from, promises made on the campaign trail should be kept. President Obama promised transparency as a candidate but he continues to make policy behind closed doors. He is excluding the public and the businesses affected, working secretly to determine what he thinks is best for America. If it's what is best, why the secrecy and exclusion of others?

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Should Washington D.C. Run NM?

Local Decisions Are Best for New Mexico. The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) works to improve the economy and quality of life for all New Mexicans. We believe the federal government has its role, but most decisions affecting New Mexico should be made by New Mexicans. Some elected officials step aside, forget about doing what is right as long as the federal dollars keep adding up. Others, like NM Representative Yvette Herrell understand that local decisions are best.

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Alert: Las Cruces Tax Hike Proposed

The Las Cruces City Council will be meeting today, Monday, June 10, at 1 pm to discuss plans for a proposed tax hike. This proposal is in response to the phase out of the Hold Harmless Agreement with the state when tax was removed from most food items. The phase out does not begin for three years and will take place gradually over a 15 year period. The long time frame was to allow cities and municipalities time to replace this revenue. It was not intended that taxes should be raised immediately - if ever! These government entities should be looking at economic development - not taking more of your hard-earned money.

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BASH Announcement

Don't miss the last BASH (Business and Social Hour) until November! Join us on June 27, 2013 for the New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) 'Job Interviews' for the position of Albuquerque Mayor at the NMBC BASH. Current Mayor, R.J. Berry, and candidates Pete Dinelli and Paul Heh have confirmed their interviews at the BASH.

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New Leadership at MRGCD Needed

If You Own Property in Bernalillo, Sandoval or Socorro County WITHIN The Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District (MRGCD), it is important you VOTE TODAY for the Board of Directors. Not all property owners within these Counties can vote.

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