Support Energy Redevelopment Bonds

We have an opportunity to take advantage of new energy advances and right now you can support a New Mexico bill introduced this legislative session that will make that possible.


The Energy Redevelopment Bond Act, SB 47/HB 80, will give the Public Regulation Commission (PRC) the oversight for PNM to issue bonds to cover costs associated with the closing the San Juan coal plant. This means that PNM and its shareholders will not face large financial losses from the early closure of this coal-fired facility and our state’s customers stand to save $100 million. Giving the PRC the authority to allow PNM to issue bonds is a smart, tactical decision that moves us to cleaner energy economically.


Got Truth? New Energy Economy could use some!

New Energy Economy (NEE) has a knack for sensationalism and fund raising, but not for telling the truth. And now they have fallen subject to the NMBC Truth Project.

Why should anyone care what NEE says? Its false and misleading statements have left the realm of their funders and followers and have now hit the mainstream where they are attempting to impact regulatory decisions.

The problem is that it may have worked.


NMBC Truth Campaign

For too long, New Mexicans have been missing out on the full truth about a wide variety of issues like: 1) what our electric companies go through in dealing with aggressive special interest groups to provide us with clean, affordable, energy; or 2) why some elected officials will pander to special interest groups in order to get re-elected - even when those special interest groups are destroying our economy.

Those times are over. Donate Now!


Some surprises are neither good nor welcome –

As Las Cruces, like other parts of the state, looks to get their people in productive jobs, they are once again creating hardship for employers. And it's primarily employers - not government - that should be providing productive jobs for New Mexicans.


RTW Facts in Sandoval County

To address misinformation about RTW and the specific ordinance in Sandoval County under consideration, please consider these answers to the most frequently asked questions. Will Sandoval County's local RTW ordinance…


Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is stalling on the Resource Management Plan in Chaves County:

Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is stalling on the Resource Management Plan in Chaves County. County officials are frustrated because the BLM has been working 6-7 years on this plan with little coordination between the BLM and county officials. D.C. Officials of the bureau are currently reviewing a draft of the plan, once approved they may provide portions of the draft to the county before releasing the final draft to the public. However, the lack of transparency by BLM is a major concern for county officials.