Job Interviews

Candidate Job Interviews in ABQ on October 4: NMBC is holding Job Interviews for candidates seeking public office on October 4th, at the Marriott (uptown). We will interview candidates on…


Limit Government Control for a Prosperous NM!

Biz Groups Sue DOL: The Department of Labor has issued a new rule requiring employers to disclose any meetings with outside consultants on how to craft their message to workers during union organizing rules. Several business groups are suing in response to this ruling. This is just one more example of how the government is limiting the freedom a business owner has to operate.


NM Manufacturing Update

NM Manufacturing Update: After the manufacturing BASH (Business and Social Hour) on March 10, NMBC had some quality time with National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) VP Ned Monroe. Some great news for New Mexico manufacturers came out of our meeting!


Energy Symposium & 2016 Heroes

Sign up Today for the 2016 New Mexico Energy Symposium, at the Albuquerque Convention Center, April 14: National and statewide experts to provide insights that will support a viable strategy for creating a cohesive and robust energy industrial base in New Mexico. The initiative will be piloted by the city of Albuquerque and is designed to create job growth and economic diversity and stability in the state. The New Mexico Business Coalition is partnering with the Strategic Action Forum. Event registration HERE.


Elections Have Consequences & NMBC Takes on the EPA

Who We Elect Matters! Today is Election Day for municipal elections around the state! NMBC encourages voters to tune in, get informed about the candidates and issues in your area and take the time to vote. Voting in support of pro-business candidates and policies rather than a government growth or partisan agenda will improve New Mexico’s economy and --- every vote counts!


Taking on EPA – Amicus Brief in D.C. Court of Appeals

For Immediate Release

On Tuesday, New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) joined 166 other state and local business associations from 40 different states in an amicus brief filed in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit explaining the devastating economic impact posed by the EPA’s carbon regulations. “As the only party to the litigation with ‘New Mexico’ in it’s name, NMBC welcomes the challenge to take a stand for clean, reliable and affordable energy for our state,” said Carla Sonntag, NMBC President.