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Judge Awards Drunk Employee 90% of Worker’s Comp Claim

  • Post published:June 24, 2016
  • Post category:Issues

Setting the Record Straight – Diego Espinoza: Some of you were nice enough to let us know that our previous communications contained an error in the spelling of Senate District 9 Candidate Diego Espinoza’s name. Fact is, we goofed and allowed a misspelled name to go out. Thanks to our ‘eagle eye’ followers of NMBC for keeping us accountable for accuracy in everything we put out! Our apology was graciously accepted by Mr. Espinoza, and now we have officially ‘set the record straight.’

Voter I.D., Same Day Voter Registration, Worker Rights, Employer Rights, Raise Taxes or Reduce Government Spending? Do you know where the Candidates Stand? Find out by joining us for a Candidate Job Interview BASH (Business and Social Hour): The Albuquerque BASH is Thursday, June 30, from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm at the Albuquerque Country Club, 601 Laguna Boulevard SW, Albuquerque, NM 87104.

$10 ABQ BASH Ticket Sales end TODAY! Prices go up tomorrow, 6-25, to $15, and tickets will be $20 at the door. RSVP now by cliking HERE.

Candidate Job Interviews, Top Salary of $126,000 a Year: NM Supreme Court, Appellate Court, Secretary of State candidates and others will be interviewed on behalf of “The Boss” (the New Mexican voter) at the NMBC BASH. Candidates/Applicants confirmed to attend the job interviews: Supreme Court: Judith K. Nakamura* and Michael E. Vigil, Court of Appeals: Stephen G. French* and Julie J. Vargas; Secretary of State: Nora Espinoza; Senate District 9: John Sapien* and Diego Espinoza; and Bernalillo County Commission District 2: Patricia Paiz.

The BASH has limited seating, RSVP TODAY Before Prices Go Up!

The Albuquerque Job Interview BASH is Sponsored by: GAARCARNM, Edit House Productions, LLC – Ad House Advertising, New Mexico Restaurant Association, and…

The ROCK of TALK: 95.9 FM & 1600 AM, Farm Credit of New Mexico, Monroe’s Restaurant, Narrow Gate Security Agency, LLC, New Mexico American Fire and Sprinkler Association, and New Mexico Stockman Magazine.

Sponsorship opportunities are still available – contact the NMBC at or (505) 836-4223 for more info.