March 1 BASH featured speaker Jay Block, Sandoval County Commissioner

Jay C. Block was born and raised in Manchester, NH and grew up with a strong interest to serve at a young age. In 1987 and early 1988 he worked for the Jack Kemp for President campaign during the New Hampshire primary season. In 1989, Jay graduated from high school and decided to serve his country by enlisting in the Air Force Reserve. He then transferred to the Air National Guard in North Dakota while attending college at North Dakota State University where he interned for a US Senator in 1993 and graduated in 1995 with a political science degree and a commission through the Air Force ROTC program.


May 3rd Hobbs BASH keynote speaker: Jonathan Williams

Jonathan Williams is the Chief Economist and Vice President for the Center for State Fiscal Reform at the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), where he works with state policymakers, congressional leaders and members of the private sector to develop fiscal policy solutions for the states. Williams also co-authors Rich States, Poor States: ALEC-Laffer Economic State Competitiveness Index with Reagan economist Dr. Arthur Laffer and Stephen Moore. Prior to joining ALEC, Williams served as staff economist at the nonpartisan Tax Foundation, authoring numerous tax policy studies.


The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease

Commentary by Cristina Arnold, Regional Vice President, New Mexico Business Coalition

The Roswell Healthcare Solutions Group recently met at Eastern New Mexico Medical Center with legislators, community leaders and physician recruiters from the area, to discuss the current crisis of obtaining and retaining healthcare providers for Roswell and the surrounding communities.

The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) joined the Healthcare Solutions group when we realized that not only is the lack of providers in our area a problem for the residents and business owners of Roswell, it is also affecting the community’s ability to attract companies that will provide jobs and revenue needed to impact economic growth in our area.


NMBC Quoted by Energy and Environment News

In New Mexico, where at least 30 percent of the state's budget is driven by energy development, New Mexico Business Coalition estimated that the methane rule would close up 70 percent of the 30,000 wells in the state's northwestern corner.

"That would have a devastating impact," said Carla Sonntag, President and Founder of New Mexico Business Coalition.


NMBC on National Press Call Supporting Congressional Review Act to Repeal BLM Methane Rule

Chairman Bishop of the House Committee on Natural Resources Holds a Press Call with NMBC and other Stakeholders to Discuss Repeal of DOI Regulations Under the Congressional Review Act

NMBC was on a National Press Call this morning (1-27-17), working with Congressman Rob Bishop - Utah, Chair of the House Committee on Natural Resources to Repeal a recent BLM Rule aimed at the Oil and Gas Industry. NMBC was the only business group on the call supporting the use of the Congressional Review Act to repeal a BLM Venting and Flaring rule that went into effect towards the end of President Obama's administration. Removing the unnecessary, duplicative and expensive BLM rule will be a huge step forward to help New Mexico's struggling oil and gas industry.


NMBC Files Suit Over Proposed Sick Leave Ordinance In ABQ

Log Rolling Unfair to City Voters and Damaging to Job Opportunities

The Albuquerque Coalition for a Healthy Economy (A.C.H.E.) announced a lawsuit against the City of Albuquerque in State District Court due to the Healthy Workforce Ordinance. A.C.H.E. members, including New Mexico Business Coalition, believe the proposed ordinance is a fraud on city voters because it hides a vast number of punitive, unnecessary and expensive details from public debate and consideration. The proposed ordinance funded by a collection of out of state special interests presents at least seven different questions as one. Voters will be forced to decide on the ordinance during the October 3rd Municipal Election. If enacted the ordinance will be the most expensive and expansive in the nation, leading to lost job opportunities and businesses to relocate.