Permanent Fund Heroes and Zeros

Stop the Special Interest Raid of the Land Grant Permanent: NM continues to be ranked among the worst of all states for educational achievement. Many young adults leave school unable to read or grasp basic math skills. Recent reports show we’ve made some improvement, but New Mexico is still ranked 49th.


Breaking News on CNM Bond & SF Update

CNM Spends $626,000 on 80 Year Old Homes, Asks Voters to Approve a Tax Increase For Dire Need Repairs: The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) has uncovered new information about the Central New Mexico Community College (CNM) request for a property tax increase.

Public records show that CNM has spent $626,000 on off-campus, residential homes that are 80 years old. The homes, listed on Bernalillo County (BernCo) property tax records, are located at 2101 Oxford Avenue SE and 2100 Coal Place SE.


Who We Elect Matters – Medicaid & SF Water

State Medicaid Needs $1 Billion: Members of the Legislative Finance Committee were told last month that almost $1 billion is needed for the state’s share of Medicaid costs. Costs have increased by 8.5% to keep pace with skyrocketing enrollment and the future loss of funds from federal government matching.


Las Cruces’ future depends on Tuesday’s vote

Setting the Record Straight – Las Cruces Mayor: Incumbent Mayor Ken Miyagishima’s recent campaign materials cited growth and changes in Las Cruces under his leadership. Along with these claims, his website lists several achievements including “commitment to full community participation in city decision-making”. Here’s the problem and why NMBC is setting the record straight:


NM Supreme Court, Jobs & Unemployment Data

Supreme Court Vacancy: The NM Supreme Court judicial nominating commission has referred four names for consideration of the governor to fill a vacancy that opens up on November 1 when Supreme Court Justice Richard Bosson retires. The top contender, Judith Nakumura, is a well-respected, veteran judge with a history of leadership within NM courts.


Las Cruces needs a City Council that will represent you

For some politicians, millions of dollars in “surplus tax revenue” creates just one problem – how to spend it. The Las Cruces City Council has taken so much of your money through increased gross receipts taxes that they have more money than they immediately know where to spend, leaving you with less than you’d like to have.


Voting for Higher Taxes, Untruthful Candidates?

Get Out The Vote: You’ve heard before that “Elections have consequences,” and it’s worth pointing out that local elections, while receiving less attention and voter turnout than statewide and national elections, directly impact our daily lives. And, if you haven’t noticed, City, County and School Board elections often are the stepping off point leading to higher offices.