Ignore, Engage or BASH?

When it comes to important issues like jobs, our economy, the New Mexico budget deficit and the upcoming legislative session – NMBC provides the perfect venue to discuss all of these issues at the BASH (Business and Social Hour), this Thursday, January 12!

Business and community leaders will be at the BASH along with Albuquerque Mayoral Candidates, state and local elected officials and more. Richard Anklam, President and Executive Director of the New Mexico Tax Research Institute will provide insightful comments and you don’t want to miss what Carla Sonntag, NMBC President and Founder, is going to cover!

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Start the year with a BASH!

The 2017 New Mexico legislative session will be starting soon and based on the bills that have been pre-filed, elected officials are full of ideas on how to change our lives through legislation. Do YOU want to see more regulation, increased taxes and more money taken from our permanent funds for an education system that needs a complete overhaul before it needs more money? From what we've heard, the answer is a resounding 'No!'

NMBC recently conducted a survey, asking for your input on topics such as minimum wage increases, the state budget, addressing crime, tax reform and more. We got some amazing responses and thoughtful feedback that we'll be sharing at the BASH (Business and Social Hour) on January 12.

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Call to Action: SJR 1

UPDATE: A Senate Floor vote was taken on SJR 1 on 2/2/2016 and, unfortunately it passed. Please contact all members of the House to encourage them to vote NO on…

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Energy Symposium

The 2016 New Mexico Energy Symposium - April 14, 2016 Event Coordinators: New Mexico Business Coalition and the Strategic Action Forum Register HERE! New Mexico is at the frontier of…

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Call to Action – Save Jobs and Economical Electric Rates

Call to Action – Contact N.M. Public Regulation Commissioners (PRC) and urge support of the settlement agreement on the San Juan Generating Station (SJGS): The PRC will soon make a decision on the settlement agreement for SJGS. This is an historic agreement involving the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the N.M. Environmental Department (EPA) and PNM.

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Call to Action: Driver’s Licenses

Call to Action, Support HB 32 and HB 79: This Thursday, 1-29-15, at 1:30 PM in Santa Fe, the NM House Safety and Civil Affairs Committee (HSCAC) will hear two pieces of legislation to end the current practice regarding issuance of driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.

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