Emergency Call to Action

We have a critical issue before the Santa Fe City Council tomorrow, Wednesday, 3/12/14. The New Energy Economy proposal will be voted on by the Santa Fe City Council, after a short presentation.

Background and explanation


What a BASH!

What a GREAT BASH (Business and Social Hour): The standing room only crowd at the New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) BASH last night was energized by a fun and informative event featuring Lt. Governor John Sanchez. The room was packed with business leaders, elected and appointed officials, and community leaders.


Morning Brew, Vote & BASH

Wake Up Tomorrow with the NMBC and Larry Ahrens: The New Mexico Business Coalition President (NMBC), Carla Sonntag, will be the guest tomorrow, March 5, at 7:15 am on the television show ‘The Morning Brew With Larry Ahrens.’ The Morning Brew is an independently produced local TV talk show in Albuquerque, NM and airs weekday mornings at 7 am on Comcast channel 27. Tune in tomorrow morning to get more information on the New Mexico Business Coalition.


BAD BOYS in NM. Really?

The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) is hosting the BASH on March 6, 2014 , at the Albuquerque Country Club, from 4:30 – 6:30 pm . Limited seating available, RSVP NOW. Early bird pricing ($10) ends March 5, tickets at the door will be $15.


IRS Gone Wild, Land Theft, GOTV & Water

LAST CHANCE to let the IRS know the Proposed Rule for 501 C(4) Organizations would violate the US Constitution on Freedom of Speech. The proposed IRS regulations, “Guidance for Tax-Exempt Social Welfare Organizations on Candidate-Related Political Activities”, would restrict groups from engaging in voter registration drives, candidate debates, voter guides, voting records and key votes. They would restrict any criticism of an incumbent federal, state, or local politician within 30 days of a primary or 60 days of a general election. The deadline to make your voice heard is TODAY at Midnight. Please give written objections to the proposed IRS rule HERE.


NM Needs a Good BASH

New Mexico, It’s Time for a GOOD BASH (Business and Social Hour): The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) is pleased to invite you to a post-session BASH on March 6, 2014, at the Albuquerque Country Club, from 4:30 – 6:30 pm.


Last Call: Stop Legislating via CA

Tell NM Representatives to Do Their Job – Don’t Legislate by Constitutional Amendment: SJR 13 ANNUALLY INCREASING MINIMUM WAGE, CA is one of the top priorities of the majority party in the Roundhouse. SJR 13 passed committee today and is now headed to the full House of Representatives for a final vote. If the NM Constitution is amended according to the provisions in SJR 13, the state minimum wage will automatically increase each year based on the rate of inflation. At this point the main objection is that the use of the NM Constitution for this type policy is dangerous and wrong!


All Eyes on the NM House

The HOUSE Rules: In past years, New Mexico has looked to the NM Senate to stop bad legislation. That certainly didn't happen this year with the minimum wage Constitutional Amendment, SJR 13 ANNUALLY INCREASING MINIMUM WAGE. The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) and New Mexico are relying on the House to stop this measure as well as further raiding the Permanent Fund. CLICK HERE for some great advice for our elected officials from a NM business owner.


Taking Care of Business – NOT!

Many state legislators are posturing for re-election rather than taking care of business: On Friday, 2/14/14, all Senate Democrats – except John Arthur Smith – voted YES on a Constitutional Amendment that would raise the minimum wage with a CPI Index. What a shame – what a sham! This is nothing more than election year posturing and will be detrimental to all New Mexicans.