BASH Reminder

The BASH (Business and Social Hour) is TODAY! Our keynote speaker is Mark Mechler, President of Citizens for Self-Governance (CSG), will address the question, “Why do people who want to raid the permanent fund dislike our children?” Mark is a regular contributor on Fox News, Fox Business and many other media outlets across the political spectrum. You will not want to miss the information that Mark will bring out today!

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The Truth & BASH on Thursday

The Truth About the ABQ City Council Election Below. . . And it's Time to BASH!

The BASH (Business and Social Hour) is this Thursday. The relentless drive by progressives to raid the state permanent fund, under the guise of improving education, can get confusing. That’s why the NMBC is pleased to announce that Mark Mechler, President of Citizens for Self-Governance (CSG), will attempt to answer the question, “Why do people who want to raid the permanent fund dislike our children?” Mark is a regular contributor on Fox News, Fox Business and many other media outlets across the political spectrum. Under Mark's leadership, CSG is funding a class-action lawsuit against the IRS for its profiling and targeting of liberty-oriented, conservative organizations.

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LC and ABQ: Time to Vote

New Mexicans From Las Cruces: TIME TO VOTE. The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) wants to remind voters that current Las Cruces City Councilors Olga Pedroza and Gill Sorg voted to increase your taxes – even when they were told you didn’t want that to happen.

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Progressive AND Pro-Business?

Progressive and Pro-Business? Alan Webber, latest candidate in New Mexico’s Governor’s race, describes himself as a “pro-business, progressive”. Seriously? Given the foundations of the progressive political agenda that’s not even possible.

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Mind Your Own Business

Will the New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) Stop Talking About Important Issues and Providing Facts? According to the NMBC President, Carla Sonntag, the answer is, “Not a chance.”

We received an enormous amount of positive feedback from our recent Albuquerque Journal Op Ed on a Public Regulation Hearing for the Renewable Energy Rule. You can read the Op-Ed HERE. We also heard from one person who wants the NMBC to stay out of the issue.

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American Dream or Government Dependence?

Early Voting is Open in Las Cruces and Starts Soon in Albuquerque: It's time, New Mexico, to get involved in the process of our government and use your vote to make a choice - a choice about the future of our state and country. From Albuquerque to Las Cruces, voters will determine who has control of local City Councils. The options between candidates are starkly different.

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Voters Ultimately Call the Shots

VOTERS ARE BOSS: Given all the dysfunction at various levels of government, some polls indicate over 60% of the American population are ready to vote against ALL elected officials, regardless of what party they are in. The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) does not advocate such a broad brush approach. We do, however, agree that we are not going to change the decisions that are being made until we change some of the elected officials making the decisions.

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Voters Have the Answer

Some Facts About the Federal Government Shutdown: Regardless of which party you think is responsible for the current federal government shutdown, here are some facts: 1) Raising the national debt limit (continuing to spend more and more money we don’t have) will eventually cause our economy to collapse; 2) Members of the House of Representatives have the constitutional right to refuse to raise the national debt limit (again) and require a balanced budget; and 3) The House of Representatives have passed spending measures to fund all activities of the federal government (except for ObamaCare).

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Setting the Record Straight

NMBC recently commented about members of Congress continuing to get paid during the current federal government shutdown. We have good news! It has come to our attention that some of…

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Congress Continues to Get Paid

A Train Wreck That Only Voters Can Fix: Congress is headed for a train wreck and it’s only the American voter who can change that. But not right now. We’ve got to wait until the next election. The shutdown is a shame – and it’s not even for the right reason. While the NMBC is glad to see some elected officials take a stand, it’s a bit late, being played out for the wrong reasons, and it’s creating havoc with many peoples’ lives.

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