American Dream or Government Dependence?

Early Voting is Open in Las Cruces and Starts Soon in Albuquerque: It's time, New Mexico, to get involved in the process of our government and use your vote to make a choice - a choice about the future of our state and country. From Albuquerque to Las Cruces, voters will determine who has control of local City Councils. The options between candidates are starkly different.


Voters Ultimately Call the Shots

VOTERS ARE BOSS: Given all the dysfunction at various levels of government, some polls indicate over 60% of the American population are ready to vote against ALL elected officials, regardless of what party they are in. The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) does not advocate such a broad brush approach. We do, however, agree that we are not going to change the decisions that are being made until we change some of the elected officials making the decisions.


Voters Have the Answer

Some Facts About the Federal Government Shutdown: Regardless of which party you think is responsible for the current federal government shutdown, here are some facts: 1) Raising the national debt limit (continuing to spend more and more money we don’t have) will eventually cause our economy to collapse; 2) Members of the House of Representatives have the constitutional right to refuse to raise the national debt limit (again) and require a balanced budget; and 3) The House of Representatives have passed spending measures to fund all activities of the federal government (except for ObamaCare).


Congress Continues to Get Paid

A Train Wreck That Only Voters Can Fix: Congress is headed for a train wreck and it’s only the American voter who can change that. But not right now. We’ve got to wait until the next election. The shutdown is a shame – and it’s not even for the right reason. While the NMBC is glad to see some elected officials take a stand, it’s a bit late, being played out for the wrong reasons, and it’s creating havoc with many peoples’ lives.


Shut Downs, Raising Taxes and Time to Vote

Opposition to Raising the National Debt Limit, De-funding Obamacare, Taking a Stand for America? The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) says yes, yes and YES! We did not want to be in the position of the current federal government 'shutdown.' But we applaud those elected officials in Washington, D.C. who are taking a stand against raising the national debt and de-funding a law that the majority of Americans didn't want in the first place. This new law is keeping many businesses from hiring and/or fully employing workers.


NMBC 2013 Heroes

New Mexico Business Coalition’s 2013 Heroes Event

Each year, the New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) honors people who go ‘beyond their job description’ in doing what is good for New Mexico. Nominations were accepted for multiple categories and this year’s winners included:


Last Chance to Register for the HEROES Luncheon

Tickets for the 2013 Heroes Luncheon are about to sell out! Please register today to ensure your spot at this great event!

The 2013 Heroes Luncheon is this Thursday, September 26, 2013, at the Albuquerque Country Club from 11:30 to 1:00 PM. The 2013 Heroes to be recognized at the Luncheon are: Senator John Arthur Smith; NM Representative Carl Trujillo; Bernalillo County Commissioner Wayne Johnson; City of Albuquerque Councilor Janice Arnold-Jones; T. Greg Merrion - Merrion Oil and Gas; Jennifer, Neil and Ty Hise - CEMCO; and Larry Barker - KRQE Investigative Reporter.


Stark Reality Should Trump Wishful Fantasy

When it comes to energy, we need to focus on reality and truth, not whimsical fantasies. Renewable energy can provide value to New Mexico with reasonable regulation. Attending a New Mexico Public Regulation Commission hearing on the renewable energy rules on Sept. 10, it quickly became apparent that those who ascribe to common sense regulation in this state were grossly outnumbered... Read the Op-Ed by NMBC President Carla Sonntag here.


Promises, Heroes, and Elections

Why Will New Mexicans See Skyrocketing Electricity Rates? As a candidate for the office of President, Barack Obama said his plan for the country would ‘necessarily cause electricity rates to skyrocket.’ See the video here. Unfortunately, this is one promise President Obama intends to keep. While he has not been successful with implementing the cap and trade program he wanted, the President is working diligently to shut down much of the cheapest electric power generation capacity in New Mexico and across the nation.