Just Breathe …. and Vote!

Special Session starts tomorrow: There’s been a lot finger-pointing, name-calling, and postcard mailers with bad information over the past two months. Now, it’s time to take a breath, pray for a short and successful session, and move on to productive business!

We should be New Mexicans first with the desire to move our state from its dismal statistics to the greatness we all know is achievable. We won’t get there with animosity and blaming. Take the time – right now – to send an encouraging note to your senator and representative and tell them you would like to see a short special session that ends with a budget that works for all New Mexicans.

Read more about the article And the NM Champion Award goes to…
A packed room for the NMBC BASH (Business and Social Hour)

And the NM Champion Award goes to…

Last week was a busy one for NMBC – Meetings, Media & Awards: On Monday, 5-8-17, NMBC attended and gave comments at a public meeting in Counselor, NM regarding hydraulic fracturing and related oil and gas activities on the Navajo Nation. Read more HERE.

On Tuesday, 5-9-17, NMBC was contacted by several media outlets to comment on the U.S. Senate failing to repeal a harmful methane rule. Read more HERE, and HERE. On Friday, 5-12-17, NMBC attended a meeting and gave comments in Sandoval County concerning a proposed country ordinance on oil and gas development. In between all that was the BASH (Business and Social Hour) titled, ‘Engaging the Community in Energy,’ on Thursday, 5-11-17. Whew! No wonder NMBC is known as New Mexico’s ‘Voice of Energy!


National Day of Prayer

Much more than a slogan on the #USA dollar bill, 'In God we Trust,' reflects what a blessing it is to be an American. As our nation struggles with foreign and domestic threats, economic insecurity, cultural tensions, and continual challenges to basic constitutional rights, NMBC encourages citizens of the United States to exercise one of their most precious freedoms – the right to gather, turn to God, and pray.


Local Elections with Statewide Implications

Sugar Tax Vote in Santa Fe – is Your Community Next?

It’s Election Day for some parts of the state from Santa Fe to Las Cruces and Voter turnout is expected to be high: The much debated Santa Fe ‘Sugar Tax’ will be decided today and early voting has brought out a record number of voters. For those voting today, NMBC encourages voters to notice these red flags: 1) The tax is regressive, that is, it would disproportionally hurt low income working families; and 2) Out of state billionaires and special interest groups have put hundreds of thousands of dollars into trying to influence voters to approve this tax. More reasons for Santa Fe voters to reject the sugar tax can be found HERE. A sample ballot and voting locations can be found HERE.


You Won’t Believe Which City Has the Cleanest Air in the U.S.

The American Lung Association’s Top City for CLEAN AIR? See below…

Energy Headlines Environmental Activists Don’t Want You to See: ‘CO2 and Methane Emissions Drop Significantly’. New government data shows that carbon dioxide emissions from electricity generation are at their lowest levels in nearly 30 years, and natural gas is the key reason why. Similarly, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), methane emissions from oil operations declined 28.8 percent from 1990 to 2015. Over the same period, methane emissions from venting and flaring of associated natural gas production decreased more than 78 percent. The EPA report can be found HERE.


Better Times Ahead or Out go the Lights?

The National Mood is Improving – How about You?

The USA mood and key indicators of the economy point to better times ahead: In preliminary figures provided to NMBC by NAM (National Association of Manufacturers), the consumer sentiment rebounded in April after pulling back somewhat in the prior two months. Confidence remained high and not far from January’s 13-year record. Indeed, the underlying figures suggest that Americans remain quite upbeat. That message is also being conveyed in the spending data, with retail sales up 5.2 percent over the past 12 months. The American consumer has been more willing to open his/her pocketbook, especially when compared to this time last year.


HB 15 Data Breach Notification Act

Business owners dealing with other people’s data, please take note: The Governor signed HB 15 Data Breach Notification Act. This new law requires notice be given to persons who are…