Save Our Children’s Future

The Truth About New Mexico’s Permanent Fund: The NM State Land Grant Permanent Fund currently provides about 15% of the state’s general fund. According to Doug Brown, a former State Investment Council Vice Chairman and current Dean of UNM’s Anderson School of Management, without money each year from the permanent fund, New Mexicans would be paying at least 15% higher taxes.


The Good, the Bad & the Ugly

THE GOOD: NM boasts a major reduction in unemployment benefit fraud: Government efficiency (the wise and prudent use of taxpayers’ money), is an important part of a healthy economy. The NMBC commends Celina Bussey and the Department of Workforce Solutions (NMDWS) for the efficient use of tax dollars by dropping the fraud rate of unemployment benefits 60% from 2012 to 2013. Congratulations Secretary Bussey!


Govt. Efficiency or Broken Promises?

Happy New Year New Mexico: As 2014 gets underway, we want to thank you for supporting the New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC). We exist because of you! The NMBC is a grassroots coalition that brings business owners, employees and all New Mexicans who want a better life together. Through this unity, we work to encourage a pro-business environment that will provide more jobs, strengthen our economy and improve our quality of life. We are non-partisan and focus on the facts - not party affiliation.


Last Chance for 2013 – 9am Today

NMBC on KKOB Morning Show at 9am TODAY: As 2013 comes to an end, New Mexicans have one last chance to talk with New Mexico Business Coalition's President, Carla Sonntag. Carla will be the guest of today's morning show with host, Terrie Q. Sayre, from 9 - 10am, on the 770 KKOB.


Celebrate Christmas – More Than Just a Day

As we spend time with our families during this holiday season, the NMBC wants to thank you for your support and wish you all the joy, hope and peace that the celebration of Christmas brings. To remind us that Christmas is more than just a day, here are some thoughts from President Ronald Reagan’s 1981 Christmas message:


Outrageous Government Tactics

Is the Bernalillo County Commission above the law? Apparently, that’s what Commissioners Maggie Hart Stebbin, Chair, Debbie O’Malley, Vice Chair, and Art De La Cruz seem to think. These three Commissioners are currently planning to pass the “Taxpayer Protection Act”. Commissioners Wayne Johnson and Lonnie Talbert are opposed.


Kudos & ‘Giving Tuesday’

Fracknation: The movie preview of Frack Nation was enjoyed last night by those seeking the truth about the decades old procedure of fracking oil and gas wells. Larry and Carla regret missing the time with you; Carla was in a car accident Sunday night and unable to attend. No worries - she’ll recover!


Friends, Fracking & Thank the Lord

The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) is Thankful for Our New Friends from Alamogordo and Las Cruces. Last week was a busy travel week for the NMBC as we spoke to a Rotary Club in Alamogordo on Wednesday and a Dona Ana County group in Las Cruces on Friday. Carla Sonntag, President of the NMBC, is glad to take the NMBC’s pro-business, anti-progressive vision to all corners of the state. And the reaction was GREAT with scores of new NMBC followers and members.


Historic Vote Today

The United States is Watching Albuquerque Voters Today. The polls are open today, 11/19/13, for Albuquerque voters from 7 am – 7 pm and the nation is watching to see the results. Two issues will be decided:

1. Voters will either choose to retain current City Councilor Janice Arnold-Jones, who supports limited, open government or they will choose a union-backed candidate whose stated economic plan is the model of funding government growth with tax dollars.