Red-Tape Cuts Deep Across ABQ & all NM

City of Albuquerque Halts Business Opening: The widely anticipated Green Jeans Farmery development was slated to have its grand opening celebration on Tuesday of this week – but the City of Albuquerque had other plans. Thanks to some creative thinking, this unique project is using old shipping/storage containers for business fronts rather than traditional brick and mortar construction. Government red-tape, however, has delayed all but one tenant from opening their store-fronts, hurting all business in the development. It’s no surprise, but the last thing Albuquerque and New Mexico needs to hear, Green Jeans developer Roy Solomon says he will not bring other business development projects to Albuquerque based on his negative experience with this one.


NM Supreme Court, Jobs & Unemployment Data

Supreme Court Vacancy: The NM Supreme Court judicial nominating commission has referred four names for consideration of the governor to fill a vacancy that opens up on November 1 when Supreme Court Justice Richard Bosson retires. The top contender, Judith Nakumura, is a well-respected, veteran judge with a history of leadership within NM courts.


Martinez to Court, BASH, NMBC Member Coming

Martinez Goes to Supreme Court: Governor Martinez has gone to the U.S. Supreme Court to ask them to overturn a previous ruling that allows public sector unions to collect “fair-share” fees from employees who decide not to become union members.


Las Cruces needs a City Council that will represent you

For some politicians, millions of dollars in “surplus tax revenue” creates just one problem – how to spend it. The Las Cruces City Council has taken so much of your money through increased gross receipts taxes that they have more money than they immediately know where to spend, leaving you with less than you’d like to have.


New Ozone Rule Will Inflict Pain on Manufacturers

Jobs Could be Lost Across New Mexico

Washington, D.C., and Albuquerque, NM, October 1, 2015

Today, the President and Founder of the New Mexico Business Coalition, Carla J. Sonntag, National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) President and CEO Jay Timmons and Neenah Enterprises, Inc. President and CEO and NAM Small and Medium Manufacturers Group Chair Tom Riordan, who represent manufacturers and business across the United States and New Mexico issued the following statements on the Environmental Protection Agency’s new ozone regulation:


Defend Reasonable Energy Usage

New Mexicans Must Defend Reasonable Energy Usage

New Mexico is a strong state with valuable natural resources. We can be one of the nation’s leaders of economic opportunity and prosperity, if we will work together for a common sense approach to how our state manages its energy decisions. But many decisions are often a result of dealing with requirements of the Obama administration and EPA.


Manufacturing, Free Choice and Fossil Free

Manufacturing Day in New Mexico: Manufacturers contribute over $2 trillion to the U.S. economy, 12 percent of GDP and supports an estimated 17.6 million jobs in the United States—about one in six private-sector jobs. Nationwide, more than 12 million Americans (or 9 percent of the workforce) are employed directly in manufacturing. And in New Mexico, the average annual compensation within the manufacturing industry was over $58,000.


Voting for Higher Taxes, Untruthful Candidates?

Get Out The Vote: You’ve heard before that “Elections have consequences,” and it’s worth pointing out that local elections, while receiving less attention and voter turnout than statewide and national elections, directly impact our daily lives. And, if you haven’t noticed, City, County and School Board elections often are the stepping off point leading to higher offices.