Setting the Record Straight

Voters Will Have the Last Say on Tax Increases: Ignoring their constituents, the Las Cruces City Council voted 6 to 1, with Councilor Miguel Silva casting the only "no" vote, to raise Las Cruces gross receipts tax rate three-eighths of 1 percent. Citing the use of the state's Hold Harmless tax provision and basically saying, 'the legislature made us do it', the tax passed on Tuesday, 9/3/13.



The New Mexico Business Coalition had another successful BASH last night in Farmington, NM. The event was featured on the front page of the Farmington Daily Times. The successful turnout of well over 100 enthusiastic business owners and community leaders was largely due to the overwhelming support of event sponsors as well as a desire by community members to improve New Mexico.


Mandated Unions in NM?

Project Labor Agreements (or Community Workforce agreements) = Mandated Union Contracts: In 2012, the Santa Fe City Council passed an ordinance that discriminated against 96% of New Mexico's construction workforce that choose not to join a labor union. The ordinance required contractors on most Santa Fe public works projects to have a 'Community Workforce Agreement' (a union contract) in place.



A Progressive Economic Agenda That Will Do ZERO Good For New Mexico: According to Dan Boyd of the Albuquerque Journal, John Wertheim announced he is running for State Treasurer and that he plans on using the State's Permanent Fund as a tool to improve New Mexico's economy, if he is elected. This type of campaign promise helps voters see which candidates have a PROGRESSIVE AGENDA, rather than a pro-business plan. The last thing New Mexico needs is a state Treasurer pushing the agenda that more government spending is the answer to our troubled economy. Mr. Wertheim would do well to attend the NMBC HEROES Luncheon and listen to Senator John Arthur Smith who has said, "The permanent fund is called 'permanent' for a reason."


Hold Harmless? Voters Will Have the Last Say

Voters Have Final Say in Rio Rancho: The Rio Rancho City Council may have the authority to raise the sales tax using the Hold Harmless provision, but it may not set well with voters. And while Rio Rancho residents can’t vote on the use of the Hold Harmless tax, they can vote on who represents them on the City Council.


Summertime Events & Cancun for $20

Corrections from last email on 8-6-13: The Rio Rancho Higher Education tax vote is on August 20, 2013. Concerning the Dona Ana County land issue, the size of land in question to be designated a monument is 600,000 acres, not 600 acres as stated under the Call to Action. The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) will be sending a letter to President Obama and the New Mexico Congressional delegation on this important issue, and we hope you take the time to do so as well (and send the NMBC a copy when you do).


Obama Letters & Watch Your City Council

Protect our land FOR the people, not FROM the people.

Local and national environmental groups are pushing President Obama to designate 600,000 acres as a national monument in Dona Ana County . Remember when the New Mexico Business Coalition hosted Utah Representative Ken Ivory who talked about states like New Mexico who have more federally owned land than private land? He was right that New Mexico needs to control our public lands, not the federal government.


Taxes, Taxes, Everywhere!

Bad policy and ill spent tax dollars fail every time! Last spring, the New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) told voters in Roswell about an increase to the local Gross Receipts Tax (GRT) that would soon be on a ballot. The GRT increase, if passed, would fund an ordinance passed by the city council for economic development.


HEROES, Heat, and Rising Water Rates

New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) HEROES Luncheon – SAVE THE DATE: The 2013 HEROES Luncheon will be on September 26, 2013 at the Albuquerque Country Club. Plan now to attend. For sponsorship opportunities or to nominate a HERO for 2013, contact NMBC at or (505) 836-4223.